Students on the Bachelor's programme in Civil Engineering are awarded a Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) degree. In accordance with the framework provisions of the Federal State of North-Rhine Westphalia, the programme takes six semesters. After a manual pre-study placement, the degree programme is divided into two semesters of basic studies in which the foundations of natural sciences are addressed, two semesters of moderately differentiated core studies covering the fundamentals of engineering science, and two semesters of specialisation in which technical fundamentals are covered in depth. Four specialisations are offered: Construction Site Management (BB), Structural Engineering (KI), Transport (VK) and Water and Resource Management (previously: Water and Waste Management)(WA). An eight-week block of practice is included in the sixth semester for students specialising in Construction Site Management or Transport, the aim of which is to acquaint students with engineering practice. The degree programme concludes with a Bachelor thesis, lasting nine weeks, at the end of the sixth semester. The majority of graduates work for building companies involved in executing building work and construction, engineering firms that plan and construct building projects, and in construction administration - predominantly in the public domain.

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