Small devices

2. Dictation device

Digital Voice Recorder VN PC
Quantity: 66
Loan period: 2 weeks

3. Foot switch for audio transcription software

Science II USB Footswitch
Quantity: 7
Loan period: 1 Day

6. Video Camera

HC-V180 : 90xi.zoom Hybrid O.I.S.
Quantity: 9
Loan period: 2 weeks

Video and Audio Equipment

In the Departmental Library FHZ, additional, high-quality video and audio equipment sets can be borrowed, which were made available to university members via the Wandelwerk.

1. Oculus Quest

Quantity: 2
Loan period: 4 Weeks

2. Oculus Rift S

Oculus Rift S requires a computer with a powerful graphics card. If no such computer is available, "Notebook XMG 17" should be borrowed.
Quantity: 2
Loan period: 4 Weeks

3. Notebook "XMG Pro 17"

Quantity: 2
Loan period: 4 Weeks
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