
1. Miscellaneous

The library of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences makes all media that are needed for research, teaching and studies but that are also needed for the purpose of advanced and further educations as well as professional working life (printed literature, journals and reference works as well as sound storage media, picture and data carriers) available for everyone who is interested - but primarily for associates and members of the university. It supports users with the acquisition of information and media as well as with using information services and provides possibilities for studying and working. It is a central institution in the Centre for Information and Communication of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences and is divided into five departmental libraries in Steinfurt and Münster, whose holdings confirm with the respectively offered courses of study.

Together with the Academy of Fine Arts Münster, it operates the Library for Architecture and Arts.

2. Media holdings, catalogues

The media of the library of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences are ordered systematically, and have been placed freely accessible (open stacks). They can be borrowed with the exception of the reserve collection (marked by red dots or straps). Media from the reserve collection can only be used inside the library but can be borrowed for a short loan period at your request. Media holdings in laboratories can only be used on the spot; there is, however, the possibility of copying the material.

Our electronic catalogue FINDEX contains references for all media holdings of all faculties (books, magazines, loose-leaf works and all other media except journal articles). Moreover, you will find all media holdings of the Academy of Fine Arts Münster in this database (marked shelf marks beginning with 77).

Primarily at the beginning but also during the course of the semester we regularly offer introductory tutorials about how to use the catalogue.

3. Use of and behaviour in the rooms of the library

The regulations for the administration and the use of the library of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences (Verwaltungs- und Benutzungsordnung der Hochschulbibliothek der Fahhochschule Münster VvBO-HB) in its currently valid form lays down binding rights and duties between users and the university library. Apart from the electronic version, you will also find a printed copy for inspection in every departmental library. According to these regulations, you are not allowed to take coats, umbrellas, bags, rucksacks or mobile phones with you into the rooms of the library, but you are asked to lock these items in the lockers especially provided for that purpose. The university is not liable in cases of loss or theft of items. Eating, drinking, smoking and disruptive behaviour of any kind are not permitted in the library facilities. In the case of multiple or serious breaches of the regulations for the use of the library, individuals may be suspended temporarily or permanently from use of the facilities.

4. Admission, user data

Use of the library of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences requires an admission. With this admission you enter a relation under public law. This also entails, apart from a claim to the services of the library of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences, an acceptance and commitment to attending the regulations for the use of the library. At request as a proof of admission a library card will be issued free of charge for the user on presentation of a valid student ID or an identity card. In case of the loss of the library card, the library has to be notified immediately so that improper use by a third party can be ruled out. For this, the university needs some personal user data. According to data privacy law, it is entitled to gather, store and process this data. It will only be used for tasks related to the library. With submitting the application form, you give your approval of this to the university library.

You can access all data stored by the university library by clicking on the menu item user data (Benutzerdaten) in your FINDEX account and if necessary you can type in or change your email address, your address or your password online.

5. Loans, renewals, reservations

As a matter of principle, lending (free of charge) and posting media of the lending holdings can only take place on presentation of a valid library card of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences in the lending department or at the self-service checkout. As a rule, the loan period is four weeks (first loan) and can be renewed under reserve for up to two times by accessing your account of the FINDEX from any PC workstation (only if the loan period has not been exceeded and only if the item has not been reserved for someone else!). A further renewal is only possible on presentation of the media and a repeated loan. If an item is reserved or required for other (e.g. official) reasons, a loan period that has already been renewed may be shortened. You have to return the medium within one week after you have been notified by a respective written request.

Media from the reserve collection - with the exception of loose-leaf works - can be borrowed from two hours before the library closes to one and a half hours after the library has opened on the following day (short loan).

Media that have been lent to other users can be reserved. If there are two or more reserves for one medium, the loan period for the following borrowers is shortened to two weeks. After their return, reserved media will be kept in the lending department for collection for up to seven calendar days. Users will be notified accordingly.

6. Expulsion, blocking of the account

Breaches of the regulations for the use of the library will in most cases lead to a blocking of the user account, which involves all loan functions with the exception of returning a book. Blocking will take place either automatically or through a member of the library staff, namely in the following special cases:
  • if notifications could not be delivered for reasons of an incorrect address or email address
  • in case of unpaid overdue fines that have been due for more than 90 days as well as in case of unpaid overdue fees from 25.00 Euros
  • if media are not returned in due time and if the loan period has been exceeded by more than 40 days
  • if you lost your library card
  • if you exceed the maximum amount of borrowed media
  • if you haven't used your account for more than 2 years
In especially serious and repeated cases, these breaches can result in a temporary or permanent exclusion from the use of the university library.

7. Notifications

All notifications and reminders from the 1st to the 4th stage of reminders - with the exception of fee and return notices - are only sent by email! After their enrollment or their re-registration, all students from the 1st to the 3rd semester will be allocated a free fh-muenster email address with a temporary password and webmail-functions. We urgently recommend that all other students personally apply for a fh-muenster email address to the centre for data processing (Datenverarbeitungszentrale). Its consulting hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12pm to 2pm. Else, you cannot use the computers in the computer-pools of the faculties and in the university library.

Users with a valid email address receive a preliminary reminder for all borrowed items before the end of the loan period as a special service of the library of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences.

8. Inter-library loans, document delivery

All registered users can order media items that are not available in the library of the FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences or in all other libraries in Münster and journal articles themselves online in the German loan system with the help of the Digital Library NRW for a disbursement fee of currently 1.50 Euros. Moreover, there is the possibility of using express delivery services that are liable to costs like SUBITO or with various libraries with the respective professional emphasis.

9. Introductions, tutorials

There are PC workstations available in all departmental libraries for using the electronic catalogue (FINDEX) and databases, information services and the internet. To ensure the highest possible efficient use of these offers, special trainings in all fields are offered selectively at the beginning of each semester. But also during the semester further events are carried out in various matters and at various dates at request and after and agreement with the responsible members of staff. Please look out for our announcements and information material on the internet. Our members of staff in the departmental libraries like to give you further details and like to assist you with help and advice.

10. Release

Only after all borrowed items have been returned and/ or after all outstanding overdue fines have been paid will the students receive their release note in the form for taking a student off the university register, which can be obtained from the respective faculty offices. You may, however, use the library like before, your user status will be accordingly changed internally.

11. Fees, expense reimbursements

The authorisation for the issuance of fee regulations by universities as well as the fixing of fees and of a corpus for reduction and remitting that are uniform nationwide is laid down bindingly by the order about the issuance of fees in the fields of information, communication, media (Verordnung über die Erhebung von Gebühren im Bereich Information, Kommunikation, Medien) according to §30 university law (Hochschulgesetz) of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (GebO- IKM NRW) from 18th August 2005.

The fee, which has to be calculated for every media item if you exceed the loan period - independent of a return request or a reminder - is due as soon as you exceed the loan period and then amounts to

  • up to 10 calendar days 2.00 Euros
  • up to 20 calendar days 5.00 Euros
  • up to 30 calendar days 10.00 Euros
  • up to 40 calendar days 20.00 Euros
and it amounts to 2.00 Euros per media item and calendar day if a short loan medium is not returned in due time. After the 40th calendar day your library card will be blocked for all loan functions.

At the same time a return request (Rückgabeanordnung RAO) will be sent to the user as a basis for potentially necessary measures in the context of administrative compulsory proceedings (Verwaltungszwangsverfahren). In order to avoid this, the webOPAC offers an overview of all borrowed media and their loan periods with the possibility of directly renewing your whole account (Kontoverlaengerung) under the menu item my account (Mein Konto).

If you exceed the loan period by more than 40 days or if you exceed the short loan period by more than 10 days, this will be handled like not returning an item. In this case and accordingly in case of loss and damage of the media items you will be charged with an administrative fee of 25.00 Euros in addition to the overdue fees and the costs for repair, replacement or reimbursement as a compensation for the administrative expenditure. You will be charged with a fee of 10.00 Euros for the issuance of a copy of the library card.

Reimbursement for special expenses

  • for reservations: postal charges for the notification 0.55 Euro
  • for inter-library loans: expense lump sum 1.50 Euros
plus the postal charges for the notification in accordance with the decree of the Ministry for Science and Research for the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia about "the application of the loan regulations (Leihverkehrsordnung, LVO) and the regulations about expense reimbursements" from 8th June 2005.

Wichtige Information

Mit Inkrafttreten der neuen Gebührenordnung am 08.02.2010 wird gemäß § 2 dieser Ordnung ab dem 22. März 2010 für die Benutzung und Inanspruchnahme der Dienstleistungen der Hochschulbibliothek der Fachhochschule Münster von allen sog. externen Nutzerinnen und Nutzern eine jährliche Nutzungsgebühr in Höhe von 20,00 € erhoben. Alle Mitglieder dieser Benutzergruppe erhalten eine entsprechende E-Mail-Benachrichtigung mit ausführlicheren Erläuterungen zum weiteren Verfahren. Folgende Benutzergruppen sind von dieser Nutzungsgebühr ausgenommen:
- Alle Studierenden der staatlichen Hochschulen in NRW;
- Alle Promovenden der Fachhochschule und Kunstakademie Münster;
- Alle ehemaligen Angehörigen der Fachhochschule und Kunstakademie Münster;
- Alle Studierenden der Fachhochschulen aus dem UAS 7 Verbund.
Zur Klärung und abschließenden Festlegung des aktuellen Benutzerstatus nach den vorgenannten Kriterien müssen daher gleichzeitig zum 22.03.2010 alle Benutzerkonten der externen Nutzerinnen und Nutzer gesperrt werden.
Für Fragen und nähere Erläuterungen stehen Ihnen die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Bereichsbibliotheken jederzeit zur Verfügung.

12. User regulations

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