
In tandem: consumer & retail research

An essential prerequisite for the successful development and implementation of new products or services as well as sales and marketing strategies is a comprehensive understanding of (potential) customers. Companies should closely examine the key needs of their customers in order to adequately meet them and obtain a clear competitive advantage. This is where the "Center for Consumer Insight & Retail Excellence" steps in.

Questions that inspire us

In order to develop relevant insights for practice, we address the following types of questions across all industries:

  • Digitalization in retail: How are new technologies (e.g., service robots) influencing the retail shopping experience?
  • Trends in shopping behavior: How and by what means does consumer behavior in a particular industry (e.g., apparel) change over time?
  • Successful omni-channel marketing: Which factors contribute to a seamless customer experience and how can companies measure the performance of their omni-channel strategy?
  • Emotional brand management: How can emotional relationships between consumers and brands be nurtured and shaped in order to strengthen a brand and differentiate it from the competition? To what extent do certain emotions and feelings towards brands influence consumers' purchasing decisions?
Titelseiten der Ernsting's family Fashion-Retail-Studien

Study series: Ernsting's family Fashion-Retail-Studie

The Ernsting's family fashion-retail-study series is designed to analyze the purchase behavior of German consumers in the fashion industry over several survey periods in the near future. In addition to the topics of sustainability and innovative technologies in retail, the first edition of the fashion-retail-study, published in July 2021, deals with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the shopping and consumption behavior of consumers. Within a deep-dive, this report further examines how customers perceive sales representatives in stationary retail with mouth-to-nose coverings.

Selected publications

Over the last years, we have already been able to generate a large number of valuable insights for practice. Feel free to browse through a selection of publications.

  • Albrecht, C.-M., Hattula, S., & Lehmann, D. R. (2017). The relationship between consumer shopping stress and purchase abandonment in task-oriented and recreation-oriented consumers.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(5), 720-740. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-016-0514-5
  • Albrecht, C.-M., Stokburger-Sauer, N. E., Sprott, D. E., & Lehmann, D. R. (2017). Adolescents' perceived brand deprivation stress and its implications for corporate and consumer well-being.Psychology & Marketing, 34(8), 807-822. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21024
  • Albrecht, C.-M., Hattula, S., Bornemann, T., & Hoyer, W. D. (2016). Customer response to interactional service experience.Journal of Service Management, 27(5), 704-729. https://doi.org/10.1108/josm-07-2015-0215
  • Joseph, M., Roche, S., Bock, D. E. & Albrecht, C.-M. (2014). Graduate College Selection and its Impact on Branding: A German Perspective. Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education, 10(2), 9-18.
  • Albrecht, C.-M., Backhaus, C., Gurzki, H., & Woisetschläger, D. M. (2013). Drivers of Brand Extension Success: What Really Matters for Luxury Brands.Psychology & Marketing, 30(8), 647-659. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20635
  • Albrecht, C.-M., Campbell, C., Heinrich, D., & Lammel, M. (2013). Exploring why consumers engage in boycotts: toward a unified model.Journal of Public Affairs, 13(2), 180-189. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.1473
  • Albrecht, C.-M., Backhaus, C., Gurzki, H., & Woisetschläger, D. M. (2013). Value Creation for Luxury Brands through Brand Extensions: An Investigation of Forward and Reciprocal Effects.Marketing ZFP, 35(2), 91-103. https://doi.org/10.15358/0344-1369_2013_2_91
  • Albrecht, C.-M., Neumann, M. M., Haber, T. E., & Bauer, H. H. (2011). The relevance of irrelevance in brand communication.Psychology & Marketing, 28(1), 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20378
  • Bauer, H. H., Albrecht, C.-M., Neumann, M. M., & Haber, T. E. (2007). Die Wirkung irrelevanter Attribute in der Markenkommunikation.Marketing ZFP, 2(2), 73-89. https://doi.org/10.15358/0344-1369-2007-2-73
  • Albrecht, C., & Honekamp, M. (2020). Does Emotional Labour Matter in Customer-Service Robot Interactions? 5th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, Valencia, 323-328.
  • Albrecht, C., & Honekamp, M. (2020). Consumers' Perceptions of Emotional Labor in Service Robot Encounters. Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, 1563-1568. doi:10.15444/GMC2020.11.05.16
  • Albrecht, C., & Medina Olivares, A. N. (2020). Co-Creation Experience in Peer Work Groups. Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, 1106-1111. doi:10.15444/GMC2020.08.05.03
  • Albrecht, C., & Häger, P. (2019). Luxury Fashion Branding On The Internet. Global Fashion Management Conference, Paris, 746-747. doi:10.15444/gfmc2019.07.04.02
  • Bauer, H. H., Huber, F. & Albrecht, C.-M. (2015). Erfolgsfaktoren der Markenführung: Know-how aus Forschung und Management (1st ed.).
  • Albrecht, C.-M. (2009).Einkaufsstress: Messung, Determinanten und Konsequenzen (1st ed.). Gabler Verlag.
  • Albrecht, C.-M. (2019). Luxury and Sustainability: A Contradiction or not? In T. Baaken, P. Buła, K. Kurzhals & Lyszczarz, H. (Ed.), Management Science and Future Challenges. Festzeitschrift anlässlich des 30jährigen Jubiäums der Kooperation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Krakau und der Fachhochschule Münster. Preprint.
  • Albrecht C.-M., Backhaus C., Gurzki H. & Woisetschläger D. (2017). Value Creation for Luxury Brands through Brand Extensions. In W. Thieme (Ed.), Luxusmarkenmanagement (1st ed., pp. 261-284). Springer Gabler.
  • Heinrich, D., Albrecht, C.-M. & Bauer, H. H. (2012). Love Actually? Measuring and Exploring Consumers' Brand Love. In S. Fournier, M. Breazeale & M. Fetscherin (Ed.), Consumer-Brand Relationships (1st ed., pp. 137-150).Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Bauer, H. H., Martin, I. & Albrecht, C.-M. (2011). Virales Marketing als Weiterentwicklung des Empfehlungsmarketing. In H. H. Bauer, D. Große-Leege & J. Rösger (Ed.), Interactive Marketing im Web 2.0+(2nd ed., pp. 56-71). Vahlen.
  • Bauer, H. H., Huber, F., Albrecht C.-M. (2008). Meilensteine erfolgreicher Markenführung: Ein Leitfaden für eine kritische Diskussion über die eigene Marke. In H. H. Bauer, F. Huber & C.-M. Albrecht (Ed.), Erfolgsfaktoren der Markenführung (1st ed., pp. 8-20). Vahlen.
  • Bauer, H. H., Haber, T. E., Albrecht, C.-M. & Laband, T. (2007). Viral Advertising. In H. H. Bauer, D. Große-Leege & J. Rösger (Ed.), Interactive Marketing im Web 2.0+ (1 ed., pp. 267-282). Vahlen.
  • Albrecht, C.-M., & Hattula, S. (2019).Stress mich nicht - oder doch? Markenartikel: Das Magazin Für Markenführung, (10), 56-57.
  • Albrecht, C.-M., & Finkel, A. & Bauer, H. (2013). Wer bin ich? Markenartikel: Das Magazin Für Markenführung, (7), 90-92.

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