
Study objectives and main focusses

The binational degree qualifies students for tasks in research and development either in Applied Chemistry (Material Sciences in particular) or Chemical Process Engineering.

Strengthening intercultural competences and extracurricular qualifications of the graduates is one important goal of the program.

The three partner universities of the Münster University of Applied Sciences are the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice/Kattowice and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, both of them for Materials Sciences, and the Cracow University of Technology for Applied Chemistry and Chemical Process Engineering.

Duration and structure

The study program lasts four semsters. The master thesis will be completed during the fourth semester. For the dual degree, at least two semesters have to be spent at the respective partner university. Typically, the studies abroad are scheduled for the last two semesters and include the master thesis (30 credit points) in the fourth semester.

Compulsory modules

The basis of the binational study program at the Münster University of Applied Sciences is the master study program (M.Sc.) in Chemical Engineering. The valid curricula correspond with the required lectures as described in the module manual of the master study program.

General conditions for a dual degree

  • Enrolment at the home university within the appropriate master study program
  • An at least one-year study period at the partner university
  • Approved B.Sc. at the home university

Further Details for Polish students

Further Details for German students

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