
Dean's Office and Examination Office for the Department of Chemical Engineering

We are happy to answer any questions during the hours stated below:
Monday to Friday between 8:00 - 11:30 and additionally Tuesday to Thursday between 13:30 - 14:30 o'clock (not applicable during the lecture-free period)

Dean's office: Room 218 (entrance is located in Room 216)
Tel: 02551 9-62193
Fax: 02551 9-62711

Examination office Room 216
Tel: 02551 9-62758 or -62584 or -62192
Fax: 02551 9-62711 pa-ciwfh-muensterde

Department offices

Here you can find student resources such as the departmental advisory boards, mentors and more.

Laboratories and Institutes

Tutors and Mentors

Contact person for bachelor students

Hi, I'm Louisa, 21 years old and I'm now in my 4th semester of studying chemical engineering. I chose applied chemistry as my major because I particularly enjoy the real chemistry modules and also the internships. I started studying directly after a year abroad, so I don't have any training, but that also works out great and you get a good introduction to chemical work in the labs. I'm happy to be there for you and answer your questions about the chemical engineering degree programme!
I can be reached at: louisa.beckmannfh-muensterde

Hello, my name is Jenny Maldonado, I am 30 years old and I come from Colombia (South America). I am currently in my second semester of the Master in Chemical Engineering in the FH-Münster, with focus in Chemical Processing. I am the contact person and Mentor for international students in our Master program. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and exploring the countryside on bike. If you need assistance about how to start your life in Germany as a foreign student, or have questions about our Master program, do not hesitate to contact me! I am happy to help you and give you some tips to have a smooth start in Germany.
You can reach me on my e-mail address: yurleymaldonadogmailcom

Campus Steinfurt building plan

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