Our laboratory internships for heat transfer

In the laboratory for heat transfer Axel König teaches the basics in five practical experiments.

Vapour pressure of water


In this experiment students determine the boiling temperature of water at different pressures, the so-called vapour pressure curve. This curve is used, for example, for the calculation of a steam power process and is important for working with humid air in air-conditioning systems.

countercurrent process

Students learn how a countercurrent heat exchanger works.

Convective heat transfer at the vertical plate


Free convection is a flow-mechanically and thermodynamically complex process for which no closed analytical solution exists. In this practical course, the heat transfer coefficient of free convection is measured on a heated, vertical plate and the result is compared with the empirical formulae taught in the lecture.

Conective heat transfer at the horizontal cylinder

No other geometry is more relevant in practice than the circular cylindrical tube. The measured heat transfer coefficient on the outer shell surface is compared with the formulas from the lecture.



A thermal image is almost as easy to take as a holiday photo. Without knowledge of the function and radiation properties of different surfaces, the results are quickly misinterpreted. In this practical course, students learn how to avoid the worst mistakes.


What combination of renewable and non-renewable energy sources and efficiency-enhancing measures (e.g. thermal insulation) leads to the highest resource efficiency in an existing residential area? How can infrastructure be reused? Is it possible, for example, to pump water through a rainwater channel and use it as a heat source for heat pumps?

Within the framework of the joint project R2Q  RessourcenPlan im Quartier geht Christian Klemm these questions are answered.
The project is part of the funding measure Ressourceneziente Stadtquartiere für die Zukunft (RES:Z) within the framework programme FONA of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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