Why do we always have enough hot and cold drinking water at home? Wie klimatisiert man einen Flughafen? Wie wird die Beleuchtung für ein Hotel geregelt? And how do you plan it all?

Until fresh air and temperature are perfectly controlled in an office or germ-free water is always available in a hospital, engineers in building technology face many challenges and questions.
With the dual study program in building services engineering, you will gain a great deal of practical experience.

Sie absolvieren ein vollwertiges Studium und arbeiten in längeren Praxisphasen in einem Unternehmen, mit dem Sie einen Praxisvertrag schließen. The special feature of the dual study program is that there is no need for additional vocational training.

As a graduate of the dual study program, you will play an active role in shaping our future.

Structure of the studies

The seven-semester engineering program in building services is divided into three phases:

Before study

Vor der Bewerbung an der FH Münster schließen Sie einen Studienvertrag mit einem Unternehmen ab.

Gerne unterstützt Sie der Fachbereich bei der Auswahl eines passenden Unternehmens. Please contact the dean's office. egufh-muensterde

In the study contract you make the individual arrangements with regard to remuneration, learning times at the university, practical phases in the company as well as vacation days.

1. Basic studies

1st and 2nd semester: The basics

Found basic knowledge is the basis for successful engineering studies. That's what the first year of study prepares you for.

  • Basic science: mathematics, physics, chemistry, materials science...
  • Engineering fundamentals: engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, design elements and CAD...
  • Supplementary modules: Smart-Building Engineering I, Fundamentals of Business Administration

2. Advanced studies

3rd to 6th semester: specialization in building services


In the main course of study, it's all about building services engineering. You will learn about the individual technical trades, how to analyze, calculate and evaluate them. In doing so, you will follow the approach of a comprehensive, integrated planning methodology.

  • Technology: Heating, indoor air-conditioning, refrigeration and sanitary engineering, building automation, control and regulation technology, gas technology, Smart-Building Engineering II...
  • Planning and Projecting: Integrated Planning, Building Automation Planning, Building Energy Engineering, Energy Building Assessment...
  • engineering modules: electrical engineering, combustion engineering, heat transfer
  • supplementary modules: building law, scientific work, electives

3. Practical semester and graduation

7th semester: Practical semester and bachelor thesis.

From the 7th semester onwards, you will gain practical experience during a minimum 20-week practical semester or semester abroad.

Following this, you will write your Bachelor's thesis.

And after successful completion, you will then bear the academic degree <strong>Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) as an engineer of building services engineering.

Good to know!!!

The undergraduate curriculum is pretty much the same for all energy, building, and environmental engineering students. They all study together. Therefore, you can virtually without problems until the third semester to change the course if you want!

How to study

Energy Engineering, building and environmental engineering build on common foundations and pursue the same goal: the sustainable and efficient use of our resources.

That's why the dual bachelor's degree programs are interlinked.

Your studies are...


Building services is in mutual exchange with energy and environmental technology. That is why the structure of the program offers our students the opportunity to think outside the box in their field of study. They learn not only to understand complex technical systems, but also to think in interdisciplinary terms.


We train for practice. Many laboratory practicals, exercises and excursions, as well as the long practical phases in the company, ensure that you do not lose sight of the application of your knowledge.

Networked and international

We are constantly working on cooperations with companies and universities. This allows you to expand your knowledge through practical time or a semester at another university - even abroad.

Strength in research and transfer

Our students have their finger on the pulse because they benefit from the knowledge gained from our research projects. We develop application-oriented solutions to current problems.

You visit...


The necessary theoretical principles are presented and explained.


Case studies and tasks prepare you specifically for exams and practice.


In our laboratories and test halls, practice-oriented knowledge is imparted within the framework of field trials.


They participate in exciting and educational field trips to various building-specific facilities.


There are a number of prerequisites for taking up an engineering course in building services technology:

University entrance qualification

In addition to the study contract with the company, you should have the Abitur or Fachabitur.

Master craftswomen, master craftsmen and comparably qualified also have the opportunity to study at university, but some prerequisites must be met. In this case, feel free to contact us and arrange a consultation appointment.

Preliminary internship = not applicable for first-year students in WS 2021/22

As a prerequisite for the program, you must have completed a 4-week internship. This should be in a technical or predominantly technical field. The internship must be proven by the beginning of the third semester.


If you have completed vocational training, this can be recognized instead. Which professions are eligible for this can also be found in the file below.


And after the bachelor's degree?


As a Bachelor of Engineering, you have the opportunity to complete an advanced Master's degree.

The EGU department also offers you different Master's programmes.

Career prospects

The demand for engineers in building technology is constantly growing. On the job market, specialists and managers are in demand who are technically fit and are able to assess facts even in larger contexts. Our engineers are ideally suited for this due to their previous technical and scientific knowledge. Career prospects and pay are above average, and companies often recruit our graduates even before they graduate.

The employers of energy engineers are as diverse as the challenges they face. Here are some practical examples:

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