Study plans

The study plan is a general overview in which you can find out which subject (module) you are studying in which semester. Course plans are part of the module manual of a degree programme.

Module manuals

In the module manual you will find the courses and the exact contents you will take during your studies.

Current version:


Examination regulations

The examination regulations are the legal basis for your degree programme. It tells you, for example, how examinations are conducted, which subjects you have to take or what your practical semester is like.

Elective modules

In the 4th and 5th semesters you will take various elective modules. All relevant information can be found in the PDF document.

Practical phase and practical semester

In the 6th semester of your studies you will complete a practical phase or a practical semester. Here you will find the prerequisites and further relevant information. You will find the relevant applications at Forms for your studies.

Final theses

At the end of your studies you will write your bachelor thesis. You will find all the relevant information about the correct procedure in the PDF document. You can find the corresponding applications at Forms for your studies.

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