Faculty of Energy · Building Services · Environmental Engineering

Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: J 1. Etage

Tel: +49 2551 9-62725
Mobile: 0171 9222 933
Fax: +49 2551 9-62717


Field of teaching and research: Abwassertechnik und Gewässerreinhaltung, Produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz, Biogasnutzung, Bioethanol

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Wetter
Birth 1960 in Bad Berleburg, married, 4 children


Graduation as Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.), majoring in Civil Engineering, specializing in Urban Water Management, Hydraulic Engineering and Waste Management, RWTH Aachen
Doctorate in engineering (Dr.-Ing.) at the Rheinisch-Westfälisch Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen
since 09/99
Münster University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Energy · Building Services · Environmental Engineering,
Steinfurt, Department of Wastewater Treatment/Water Pollution Control


05/86 - 09/93
Research Institute for Water and Waste Management (FiW) at RWTH Aachen
Scientific employee, project manager and project engineer in a variety of research and development projects, preparation of process concepts and planning documents for the construction and operation of plants for wastewater, waste and exhaust air treatment, preparation of scientific reports, assignments abroad in Portugal, Colombia and Peru.
10/93 - 03/94
OTTO Oeko Consult GmbH, Cologne,
Project Manager
Management of environmental protection projects in Germany, China and Vietnam
04/94 - 06/97
HYDROPLAN Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Herdecke,
A company of the OTTO Group
Division Manager Urban Water and Waste Management, Authorized Signatory e.g. acquisition, supervision and management of projects in Germany, Albania, Vanuatu, Malaysia, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Argentina, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Ecuador
07/97 - 08/99
Bundesvereinigung zur Privatisierung öffentlicher Aufgaben (BVPA) e.V., Bonn,
Managing Director
Establishment and management of BVPA
Hub for the privatization of financing, planning, construction and operation of public facilities as well as for the takeover of services in privatized or partially privatized form.

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