Data logger

MeteoLOG TDL14 K


Data transmission meteogroup

Metrilog T707 Remote Unit

The device reads the data from the memory of the data logger via an RS-232 interface and stores them temporarily. Every five minutes it transmits them to the servers of the meteogroup via GSM/GPRS (mobile phone network).

Internal data transmission

bead IOLAN SDS 2 T

To connect the two interfaces of the data logger with the server of the university of applied sciences, this so-called interface converter is used. The device receives the data coming from the RS232 interfaces and sends them via Ethernet (TCP-IP) over the internal network of the UAS to the weather station server. The transmission is encrypted.

Alle Fotos mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Firmen Thies Clima, Metrilog , Perle

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