The IT security group at Fachhochschule Münster is headed by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schinzel and addresses system security, penetration tests and applied cryptography.

GUD institute for society and digitalization

Prof. Schinzel is a founding member of the GUD institute (GUD Institut für Gesellschaft und Digitales) that analyzes the challenges that modern society faces in the wake of the digitalization. In GUD, the IT security group represents cyber security topics in the context of societal challenges.

CTF hacking contests

A group of students at the Fachhochschule Münster regularly participates in international hacking competitions as the "Münster IT Security Team" (M.I.S.T.). The team's main comminication channel is an ILIAS group (course password: mist).

Press coverage

This is a selection of press coverage of the IT security group (mostly German).

Bachelor's and Master's theses

Students at the FH Münster interested in IT security can contact Prof. Schinzel for topics for their Bachelor's or Master's theses. The IT security group maintains contacts to companies and organizations that deal with computer security topics.


Fachhochschule Münster

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Lab for IT Security

Stegerwaldstraße 39

48565 Steinfurt

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