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Reinhart Job, |
Electrochemical Energy Storage
Walter De Gryuter GmbH: Berlin, Boston, 2020, ISBN 978-3-11-048437-3 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110484427 BibTeX | RIS
Links |
Reinhart Job |
What is our problem with energy and resources, Seminar, 7.11.2018, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Agribusiness, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2018 |
BibTeX | RIS
Links |
Reinhart Job |
Rohstoff und Nachhaltigkeit - Ist der westliche Lebensstil zukunftsfähig?, Steinfurter Campusdialoge , 8.11.2017, FH Münster
Vortrag 2017 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job, Kathrin Ungru |
Teaching Electrochemical Energy Storage for Undergraduate Electrical Engineers, Workshop, 7.3.2017, Instituto Federal Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Natal, Brasilien
Vortrag 2017 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job, Kathrin Ungru |
Teaching Informatics, Workshop, 6.3.2017, Instituto Federal Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Natal, Brasilien
Vortrag 2017 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
What is our problem with energy and resources, Seminar, 13.9.2017, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Agribusiness, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2017 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job, Kathrin Ungru |
What seems to be the trouble with energy and resources?, eingeladener Vortrag, 3.3.2017, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brasilien
Vortrag 2017 |
BibTeX | RIS
Links |
Renate Horbelt, Stefanie Ebert, Vaidvile Ulbikaite, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Al-density variation as one driving force for void formationin PERC solar cells
Physica Status Solidi (RRL), 10(7), pp. 515-519, 2016 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201600078 BibTeX | RIS
Sebastian Gerke, Gabriel Micard, Reinhart Job, Giso Hahn, Barbara Terheiden |
Capacitance-voltage spectroscopy and analysis of dielectric intrinsic amorphous silicon thin films
Physica Status Solidi (c), pp. 1-5, 2016 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssc.201600019 BibTeX | RIS
Renate Horbelt, Gabriel Micard, Phillip Keller, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Characterization of local Al-contacts by light beam induced current measurements and their verification by 2D simulation using flexPDE
Physica Status Solidi (a), 213(5), pp. 1317-1323, 2016 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201532753 BibTeX | RIS
Wolfgang Schreiber-Prillwitz, Reinhart Job |
Development process for MEMS pressure sensors for standarized CMOS read-out circuitry
29th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), IEEE Conference Publications, pp. 1-6, 2016 |
DOI: 10.1109/SBCCI.2016.7724037 BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Do we have an Energy Crisis? - A brief discussion on energy and resources, Seminar, 24.8.2016, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Agribusiness, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2016 |
BibTeX | RIS
Sebastian Gerke, H.-W. Becker, D. Rogalla, F. Singer, N. Brinkmann, S Fritz, Adnan Hammud, P. Keller, D. Skorka, D. Sommer, C. Weiß, S. Flege, Giso Hahn, Reinhard Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Influence of post hydrogenation upon electrical, optical and structural properties of hydrogen less sputter deposited amorphous silicon
Thin Solid Films, 598, pp. 161-169, 2016 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.11.063 BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Integrated Pressure Sensors - Design and Dimensioning, Seminar, 23.8.2016, Engineering School, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2016 |
BibTeX | RIS
Moriz Jelinek, G. Johannes, Naveen Laven, Goud Ganagona, Reinhart Job, Werner Schustereder, Hans-Joachim Schulze, Matthias Rommel, Lothar Frey |
Metastable Defects in Proton Implanted and Annealed Silicon
P. Pichler (Editor): Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology XVI (GADEST 2015), Trans Tech Publications Ltd.: Zürich, pp. 169-174, 2016 |
BibTeX | RIS
Sebastian Gerke, Hans-Werner Becker, Detlef Rogalla, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Model based prediction of the trap limited diffusion of hydrogen in post-hydrogenated amorphous silicon
Physika Status Solidi (RRL), pp. 1-5, 2016 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201600303 BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Quality Management and System Accreditation - Perspective of a Dean, eingeladener Vortrag, 4.3.2016, Instituto Federal Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Natal, Brasilien
Vortrag 2016 |
BibTeX | RIS
Links |
Sebastian Gerke, Hans-Werner Becker, Detlef Rogalla, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
About Nuclear Resonant Reaction Analysis for Hydrogen Investigations in Amorphous Silicon Layers
Energy Proceedia, 84, pp. 99-104, 2015 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.12.301 BibTeX | RIS
Sebastian Gerke, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Bias-plasma for RF magnetron sputter deposition of passivating amorphous silicon layers
Energy Procedia, 77, pp. 75-82, 2015 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.12.302 BibTeX | RIS
Axel Herguth, Renate Horbelt, Svenja Wilking, Reinhart Job, Giso Hahn |
Comparison of BO Regeneration dynamics in PERC and Al-BSF solar cells
Energy Procedia, 77, pp. 75-82, 2015 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.012 BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Dependency on Materials and Resources - How can we Reach a Sustainable Society , Seminar, 29.7.2015, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Agribusiness, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2015 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Materials, Resources and the Impact on our Societies and Future Technology, Seminar, 8.9.2015, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brasilien
Vortrag 2015 |
BibTeX | RIS
Sebastian Gerke, Hans-Werner Becker, Detlef Rogalla, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Morphology and Hydrogen in Passivating Amorphous Silicon Layers
Energy Procedia, 77, pp. 791-798, 2015 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.112 BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Qualitätsmanagement und Systemakkreditierung an der FH Münster - Sichtweise eines Dekans, eingeladener Vortrag, 28.01.2015, HAW Hamburg
Vortrag 2015 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Systemakkreditierung aus der Sicht eines Dekans, eingeladener Vortrag, 27.04.2015, HS Koblenz
Vortrag 2015 |
BibTeX | RIS
Renate Horbelt, Hahn Giso, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Void formation in PERC solar cells and their impact on the electrical cell parameters verified by luminescence and scanning acoustic microscope measurements
Energy Proceedia, 84, pp. 47-55, 2015 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.12.294 BibTeX | RIS
Links |
Moriz Jelinek, G. Johannes, Reinhart Laven, Werner Job, Hans-Joachim Schustereder, Mathias Schulze, Lothar Rommel |
A New Method to Increase the Doping Efficiency of Proton Implantation in a High-Dose Regime
E. Simoen, C. Claeys, O. Kakatsuka, R. Falster, C. Mazuré (Editors): High Purity Silicon XIII, ECS Transactions 64(11), pp. 199-208, 2014 |
BibTeX | RIS
G. Johannes, Moriz Laven, Reinhart Jelinek, Hans-Joachim Job, Werner Schulze, Stefan Schustereder, Mathias Kirnstötter, Lothar Rommel |
DLTS Characterization of Proton Implanted Silicon under Varying Annealing Conditions
Physica Status Solidi (b), 251(11), pp. 2189-2192, 2014 |
BibTeX | RIS
Moriz Jelinek, G. Johannes, Mathias Laven, Werner Rommel, Hans-Joachim Schustereder, Lother Schulze, Reinhart Frey |
Deep-Level Defects in High-Dose Proton Implanted and High-Temperature Annealed Silicon
E. Simoen, C. Claeys, O. Kakatsuka, R. Falster, C. Mazuré (Editors): High Purity Silicon XIII, ECS Transactions <u>64</u>(11), pp. 173-185, 2014 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Elektrisch aktive Defektkomplexe in protonenimplantierten und getemperten Float-Zone-Siliziumwafern, eingeladener Vortrag, 19.03.2014, Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Physik
Vortrag 2014 |
BibTeX | RIS
Sebastian Gerke, Hans-Werner Becker, Detlef Rogalla, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Investigation of Hydrogen Dependent Long-Time Thermal Characteristics of PECV-Deposited Intrinsic Amorphous Layers of Different Morphologies
Proceedings of the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, pp. 9-12, 2014 |
BibTeX | RIS
Hans-Joachim Schulze, Franz-Josef Niedernostheide, Reinhart Job |
Semiconductor device having two monocrystalline semiconductor regions with a different lattice constant and a strained semiconductor region between, <b>United States Patent</b>
2014 |
BibTeX | RIS
Renate Horbelt, Axel Herguth, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job, Barbara Terheiden |
Temperature Dependence of Void Formation in PERC Cells and their Spatially Resolved Detection by Combining Scanning Acoustic Microscopy and Electroluminescence Measurements
Proceedings of the 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, pp. 427-432, 2014 |
BibTeX | RIS
Links |
G. Johannes, Reinhart Laven, Hans Job, -Joachim Schulze, Franz-Josef Niedernostheide, Werner Schustereder, Lothar Frey |
Activation and Dissociation of Proton-Induced Donor Profiles in Silicon
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2(9), pp. 389-394, 2013 |
BibTeX | RIS
Wolfgang Schreiber-Prillwitz, Reinhart Job |
Designing MEMS Pressure Sensors with Integrated Circuitry on Silicon for Miscellaneous Applications
2013 IEEE Fourth Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems (LASCAS), pp. 1-4, 2013 |
DOI: 10.1109/LASCAS.2013.6519006 BibTeX | RIS
Sebastian Gerke, Axel Herguth, Nils Brinkmann, Giso Hahn, Reinhart Job |
Evaluation of Capacitance-Voltage Spectroscopy by Correlation with Minority Carrier Lifetime Measurements of PECV-Deposited Intrinsic Amorphous Layers
Proceedings of the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, pp. 2600-2603, 2013 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Materials and Environment, Seminar, 14.8.2013, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Agribusiness, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2013 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Optimization of Integrated Pressure Sensor Systems for Widely Spread Applications, Seminar, 14.8.2013, Engineering School, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2013 |
BibTeX | RIS
Wolfgang Schreiber-Prillwitz, Reinhart Job |
Pressure Sensor Systems for Wide Pressure Ranges Integrated by a Combined CMOS- and MEMS-Technology
Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 8(2), pp. 83-88, 2013 |
BibTeX | RIS
Links |
Reinhart Job |
Defect Engineering and Analysis of Light-Ion Implanted Float-Zone Silicon, Seminar, 4.9.2012, Engineering School, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job, G. Johannes, Franz-Josef Laven, Hans-Joachim Niedernostheide, Holger Schulze, Werner Schulze |
Defect Engineering for Modern Power Devices
Physica Status Solidi (a), 209, pp. 1940-1949, 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job, Franz-Josef Niedernostheide, Hans-Joachim Schulze |
Halbleiterkörper mit verspannten Bereich, <b>Deutsches Patent</b>
2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Stefan Kirnstötter, Martin Faccinelli, Peter Hadley, Reinhart Job, Werner Schustereder, G. Johannes, Hans-Joachim Laven |
Imaging Superjunctions in CoolMOS™ Devices using Electron Beam Induced Current
G. Wirth, N. Morimoto, D. Vasileska (Editors): Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2012, ECS Transactions <u>49</u>(1), pp. 475-481, 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Wofgang Schreiber-Prillwitz, Reinhart Job |
Improvement of Integrated Pressure Sensor Systems Fabricated by a Combined CMOS- and MEMS-Technology with regard to Low Pressure Ranges
G. Wirth, N. Morimoto, D. Vasileska (Editors): Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2012, ECS Transactions <u>49</u>(1), pp. 417-424, 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Stefan Kirnstötter, Martin Faccinelli, Peter Hadley, Reinhart Job, Werner Schustereder, G. Johannes, Hans-Joachim Laven |
Investigation of Doping Type Conversion and Diffusion Length Extraction of Proton Implanted Silicon by EBIC
E. Simoen, C. L. Claeys, P. Stallhofer, R. Falster, C. Mazuré (Editors): High Purity Silicon 12, ECS Transactions <u>50</u>(5), pp. 115-120, 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Resources and Environment, Seminar, 6.9.2012, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Agribusiness, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Vortrag 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Reinhart Job |
Ressourcen und Umwelt, Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit und Entwicklung, Auftaktvorlesung am 17.4.2012, FH Münster
Vortrag 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Hans-Joachim Schulze, Franz-Josef Niedernostheide, Reinhart Job |
Semiconductor body with strained region, <b>Chinesisches Patent</b>
2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Hans-Joachim Schulze, Franz-Josef Niedernostheide, Reinhart Job |
Semiconductor body with strained region, <b>United States Patent </b>
2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
G. Johannes, Reinhart Laven, Hans-Joachim Job, Franz-Josef Schulze, Werner Niedernostheide, Lothar Schustereder |
The Thermal Budget of Hydrogen-related Donor Profiles: Diffusion-limited Activation and Thermal Dissociation
E. Simoen, C. L. Claeys, P. Stallhofer, R. Falster, C. Mazuré (Editors): High Purity Silicon 12, ECS Transactions <u>50</u>(5), pp. 161-175, 2012 |
BibTeX | RIS
Links |
G. Johannes, Reinhart Laven, W. Job, H.-J. Schustereder, F.- J. Schulze, H. Niedernostheide, L. Schulze |
Conversion Efficiency of Radiation Damage Profiles into Hydrogen-Related Donor Profiles
W. Jantsch, F. Schäfer (Editors): Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology XIV (GADEST 2011), Trans Tech Publications Ltd.: Zürich, 1, pp. 375-384, 2011 |
BibTeX | RIS
G. Johannes, Reinhart Laven, Werner Job, Hans-Joachim Schustereder, Franz-Josef Schulze, Holger Niedernostheide, Lothar Schulze |
Conversion Efficiency of Radiation Damage Profiles into Hydrogen-Related Donor Profiles
Solid State Phenomena, 178-179, pp. 375-384, 2011 |
BibTeX | RIS
Wofgang Schreiber-Prillwitz, Mikko Saukoski, Gerhard Chmiel, Reinhart Job |
Development of a Robust Design for Wet Etched Cointegrated Pressure Sensor Systems
F. W. DelRio, C. Eberl, M. P. de Boer, E. P. Guesev (Editors): Microelectromechanical Systems - Materials and Devices IV, MRS Symposium Proceedings Series Vol. 1299, pp. 129-134, 2011 |
BibTeX | RIS
Johannes Jargstorf, Reinhart Job |
Technical and Commercial Aspects of Battery Systems for Electric Mobility
Proceedings "3rd European Conference Smart Grids and E-Mobility 2011", Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut (OTTI) e.V.: Regensburg, 1, 2011 |
BibTeX | RIS
Links |
Akira Yoshida, Reinhart Job |
Cathode ray-luminescent phosphor and method for the preparation thereof, <b>United States Patent</b>
2000 |
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