Signals and Systems Theory covers a board field of applications ranging from Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing (e.g., Audio and Video) to Financial Mathematics. The module Signals and Systems gives the students the mathematical background and methods to describe and analyze signals and systems in the time and frequency domain.
LTI-System with Input and Output Signal


The lecture gives the mathematical basics to describe and analyze signals and systems in the time and frequency domain. Therefore, the lecture covers:

  • Linear systems
  • Continuous signals in the time domain
  • Continuous systems  in the time domain
  • Fourier series description
  • Fourier transform analysis
  • Laplace transform
  • Introduction to time-discrete signals and systems
  • z-Transform

Time Table

  • Extent: 3 SWS Lecture, 1 SWS Exercise
  • Time Table
    • Lecture: No Lecture during this Semester
    • Exercise: No Exercise during this Semester


  • Stearns, S.D., Digitale Verarbeitung analoger Signale, Oldenbourg Verlag, 1999.
  • Oppenheim, A.V., Zeitdiskrete Signalverarbeitung, Pearson Studium, 2004.
  • Ohm, J.R., Lüke, H.D., Signalübertragung, Springer, 2010.
  • Fliege, N., Systemtheorie, B.G. Teubner, 1991.
  • Girod, B., Rabenstein, R., Stenger, A., Einführung in die Systemtheorie, 2003.

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