
Professors, members of staff and students of the MSA are represented in various democratically elected governing bodies at both faculty and university level. Student participation in faculty policy decisions is an important element in the organisational structure of the MSA.

MSA Faculty Council

It is the task of the Faculty Council to adopt resolutions of the faculty for which neither the Dean nor any other governing body is responsible. As such, it is responsible for all matters regarding research, art and teaching and for adopting resolutions on the Departmental Order and any other orders governing the faculty.

Elected members of the 17th Faculty Council

Vice Dean
Prof. Victor Mani Prof. Martin Weischer
Tim Christossek B.A.
Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada
Prof. Thorsten Bürklin
Prof. Jürgen Reichardt
Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg
Prof. Kirsten Schemel
Prof. Johannes Schilling
Prof. Michael Schanné
Marco Blecher
Gerrit Brinsat
Mark Deutzmann
Dominik Hesse

Marie-Alice Wätjen
Scientific assistants
Non-academic staff
Ralf Westarp
Renate Kloth

Members of the Senate and Senate Commissions from the MSA

On behalf of the Senate, select senators draw up a list of members for the Board of Trustees, which the Senate then elects. Three senators are also involved in the commission to find a President, alongside three members of the Board of Trustees. The Senate appoints the standing commissions and the Grievance Committee (formerly the testing body).

The Senate issues recommendations and statements on the draft of the university development plan and the target agreement with the ministry, on evaluation reports, on the budget and on the principles governing the allocation of posts and funding to the faculties, central scientific units and central facilities. It comments on the annual report and accounts of the Presidential Board, and decrees and amends the basic orders and other orders of the higher education institution. It is therefore always required when a new basic order needs to been drawn up.

The current basic order was decreed by the Senate at the beginning of January 2008. It regulates, for instance, the election and periods of office of the members of the Presidential Board. It is incumbent upon the Senate to endorse the election of members to the Presidential Board; with a three-quarter majority it can recommend it is voted out to the Board of Trustees.

How is the Senate made up?

The members of the Senate with voting power are ten representatives from the group of professors, three representatives from the group of scientific assistants, two representatives from the group of other members of staff and five representatives from the group of students.

Advisory, non-voting members of the Senate include the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Deans of the faculties, the Directors of the central scientific units and central facilities, the Disabilities Officer, the Chairperson of the Staff Councils, the Chairperson of the Students' Union Executive Committee, the Equal Opportunities Officer and the President of the Student Parliament.

Overview: Student representation of the msa

Governing body
Its function msa students
Faculty Council Takes all decisions concerning the Faculty.

Marco Blecher
Gerrit Brinsat
Niklas Ferdenhert
Dominik Hesse
Marie-Alice Wätjen

 Senate Elects the university management.
Passes and amends orders.


Senate Commission 1
Studies and teaching
Passes resolutions on such matters as the deployment of tuition fees. Mark Deutzmann

Senate Commission 3

Passes resolutions on such matters as the deployment of resources from the innovation fund. Mark Deutzmann
Senate Commission 4
 Counseled the Foundation "QuiSuL". 

Christoph Heufert

Ivonne Lehmann

Testing Body &
Grievance Committee
Checks deficits in teaching and study organisation at Münster University of Applied Sciences. Stefan Heß


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