Teachers of Construction Technology, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology and Media Design and Design Technology are required to implement the learning field concept in dual vocational training. In the context of this concept, they create learning situations that are relevant to the occupation and are carried out using complete actions. If possible they should be performed by the students themselves, or are at least reflected in the students' thoughts. In addition, the activities should promote a holistic understanding of professional reality, for example by taking into account technical, safety, economic, legal, ecological and social aspects. For the many different vocational fields of action and the immanent competence goals, teachers at vocational colleges must therefore be able to plan and design the learning situation with the teaching staff. This seminar systematically prepares you as prospective teachers for this by justifying the educational mission on the basis of curriculum development, presenting concepts of didactic annual planning, modeling work and business processes, transferring learning fields into concrete learning situations, showing how learning competence and communicative competence are promoted, and practicing competence-oriented testing. A glance at the future of professional work also shows how dynamically the respective professional disciplines will continue to develop.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger
Module: Subjectdidactics Advanced