
One thing is certain for the future of skilled work: technical innovations will continue to change job profiles, create new ones and cause some to disappear. This will also be accompanied by changes in the related sciences, i.e., the shift of professions toward multiple technical disciplines - as has become apparent, i.e., in recent years with the establishment of mechatronics - is expanding. It can be assumed that information technology and computer science in particular will continue to gain importance in the professions. Megatrends such as artificial intelligence will bring about major changes that teachers at Vocational Schools will have to support and help shape. In a subject didactic project, this course will investigate the question of what technical innovations will be significant for the professions trained in the future and how the training at a Vocational Schools must be oriented towards this. For this purpose, short-term, medium-term and long-term trends for the small vocational specialization are researched, considerations are made about how these trends will change the skilled work and new competences as well as curricular specifications are derived from them. The objective is to design a specific change process that translates the collected findings into future-oriented teaching and optimally prepares the future skilled workers for the coming developments.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thilo Harth, Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger

Modul: Subjectdidactic Specialisation

This course is the foundational lecture for students in all professional disciplines (except Health Science/Nursing). It is divided into three sections:

  • Fundamentals of Vocational Education
  • Basics of Vocational Didactics
  • Teaching/Learning Processes in Vocational Didactics

The course provides initial insights into teaching and learning in relevant occupational fields and imparts basic knowledge of vocational education and training.

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Thilo Harth, Prof. Dr. Julia Kastrup

Module: Subjectdidactics Basics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thilo Harth

Module: Subjectdidactics Basics

In this seminar, students are introduced to the subject didactics of the vocational specialization of Media Design and Design Technology. The students will become familiar with the wide range of occupations and training programs in their field and will practice reading and understanding the educational plans and framework curricula. They develop the basics for designing lessons in the learning field concept, analyze and prepare possible learning subjects and design exemplary learning situations. In the process, they are guided by the principle of complete action.

The seminar offers students space to try out new "tools" and to discover, reflect on and further develop requirements for Vocational Schools teachers.

Lecturer: Jeanne Lengersdorf, M.Ed.

Module: Subjectdidactics Basics

Lecturer: Prof. Thilo Harth

Module: Vocational Education I

Teachers of Construction Technology, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology and Media Design and Design Technology are required to implement the learning field concept in dual vocational training. In the context of this concept, they create learning situations that are relevant to the occupation and are carried out using complete actions. If possible they should be performed by the students themselves, or are at least reflected in the students' thoughts. In addition, the activities should promote a holistic understanding of professional reality, for example by taking into account technical, safety, economic, legal, ecological and social aspects. For the many different vocational fields of action and the immanent competence goals, teachers at vocational colleges must therefore be able to plan and design the learning situation with the teaching staff. This seminar systematically prepares you as prospective teachers for this by justifying the educational mission on the basis of curriculum development, presenting concepts of didactic annual planning, modeling work and business processes, transferring learning fields into concrete learning situations, showing how learning competence and communicative competence are promoted, and practicing competence-oriented testing. A glance at the future of professional work also shows how dynamically the respective professional disciplines will continue to develop.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger

Module: Subjectdidactics Advanced

Teachers of Teachers of Construction Technology, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and Information Technology are challenged to serve a broad spectrum of professions and to educate students based on the current state of technology in the companies. This seminar prepares you for appropriate lesson planning. Here you will examine fields of learning, discuss the immanent tension between subject and action systematics and learn to reduce complex learning content didactically. In addition, you will learn about approaches to the development of knowledge, become sensitized to questions of inclusion in relation to industrial-technical teaching and learn how to plan teaching units. Afterwards, methodological aspects of special technical learning topics, such as the promotion of spatial imagination or the design of laboratory lessons, will be addressed. A look into the prospects of vocational learning also shows the benefits of digital media in particular for the design of teaching units at vocational schools.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger

Module: Subjectdidactics Advanced

In the colloquium, acquired competences from three seminars of the module Subjectdidactics Advanced are brought together and subsequently examined. Through continuous feedback in the seminar, written documentation and an oral exam, technical education competence is performed on the basis of real tasks from the everyday life of teachers.

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Thilo Harth, Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger, Jeanne Lengersdorf, Dr. Jonas Lilienthal

Module: Subjectdidactics Advanced

This seminar provides a framework in which digital media can be explored and evaluated for its usefulness in professional teaching. The most common learning technologies are presented and students are given the opportunity to try them out either as teachers or learners. In addition, approaches to media didactics are taught, common teaching/learning scenarios are discussed and legal issues are clarified. Finally, in the spirit of exploration, a look into the future is taken and the hypothetical question is explored as to whether learning technologies will one day be able to replace us teachers - in the sense of the striking title of this seminar.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger

Modul: Subjectdidactics Advanced

In this seminar, you will be systematically prepared for the study project to be carried out in the Teaching Placement by means of research-based learning. You will also be introduced to the research methods of Tecnical Education. In addition, the PePePortfolio will be used to systematically reflect on the experience gained during the practical semester.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger

Module: Teaching Placement

Vocational Schools, as traditional and established institutions, have always been confronted with a multitude of professional, societal and technological changes: Whether in the design of new educational programs, the digitalization of teaching and learning processes, or currently in the realization of inclusive education. Teachers are constantly challenged to face unknown challenges and to develop solutions that take into account the individual needs of all those involved. This block seminar creates space along real projects of vocational colleges to gather appropriate preliminary experience and to be methodologically prepared, specifically via Design Thinking, for the school innovation needs.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger

Module: Vocational Education I

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