

Picture: FH Münster / R. Job

Our Summer School is now a virtual event!

During the summer school, professors of several engineering departments teach, providing an interdisciplinary technical flavour to the following topics:

- Climate and resources
- Wind Energy
- Photovoltaics
- Hydro-Electric Power
- Geothermal Energy
- Power Electronics and Smart Grids
- Electrochemical Energy Storage

The side program implies excursions that are of technical and cultural interest and various freetime activities.

To apply for this programme you must be an undergraduate student in your last academic year or a master student in the field of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, applied physicists, or similar. Since all courses are taught in English, a level of B2 is required. No previous knowledge of German is neccessary.

The following documents have to be submitted:

  • CV
  • Letter of Motivation (max. 1 page)
  • Transcript of records of your home university
  • Certificate of English profiency (for example letter of language instructor from your university, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS)

Based on the submitted documents a committee consisting of involved departments and International Office will select the participants.
Admission decisions will be sent via email. So please make sure your contact information in the application is accurate.

Participants of the summer school receive a certificate and 3 ECTS. Recognition must be clarified with the home university. Please note, that attandence is compulsory in order to receive the certificate.

The fee for the virtual summer school programme is 100 €.
Students from partner universities and FH Münster receive a discount. Their fee amounts to 50 €.

The fee does not cover any insurance.


Application period is over.

Past Summer Schools

You are eager to get to know more about this summer school? Check out the information about past summer schools at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences.

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