
Studying at FH Münster

Students from partner universities of FH Münster must be nominated by their home university. This applies both to Erasmus+ students and non-EU guest students coming from partner universities.

Nomination of Erasmus+ students and non-EU guest students from partner universities

The partner universities are asked to nominate their students with a nomination form. They will receive a link for the nomination process via email at the beginning of the nomination period.

For further inquiries regarding nominations, please contact the International Office directly.

Nomination deadlines:

  • for Winter Semester (starting on 1st September): 15th May
  • for Summer Semester (starting on 1st March): 15th October

After the nomination deadline, students receive an information email from the International Office and a link to register online in the Mobility Online Portal.

Guest students (from universities without an agreement with FH Münster)

Students who do not come from partner universities of FH Münster must send the following documents by email to the International Office:

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Transcript of Records

The documents are formally checked by the International Office, who will then send you a link to register in our application portal.

Applications for an exchange at FH Münster must be submitted in the Mobility Online Portal. The portal is a step-by-step guide for international students which provides all important information and guidance regarding their application and enrolment procedure.

A typical application process is made up of the following steps:

  1. Nomination by the home university.
  2. Registration and completion of personal data in the Mobility Online Portal.
  3. Uploading the necessary documents in the portal - besides the registration form which will be automatically generated, a learning agreement, a transcript of records and a certificate of language proficiency must be uploaded by the applicant.
  4. Checking phase and acceptance/rejection: the International Office checks the application documents and forwards them to the respective department for approval.
  5. Learning Agreement: the department sends the checked and signed learning agreement back to the International Office. The document is subsequently uploaded by the International Office in the portal. We also accept online learning agreements (OLA) as part of Erasmus Without Paper.
  6. Confirmation: if the application is approved by the department, a letter of acceptance is issued by the International Office. If requested, the letter can be sent to the student's home address along with all the original documents by post.

The application procedure for non-EU guest students from universities without agreement works the same way as the application of Erasmus+ students and guest students from partner universities.

Application deadlines:

  • for Winter Semester (starting on 1st September): 15th June
  • for Summer Semester (starting on 1st March): 15th November

FH Münster also accepts electronically created Learning Agreements, which have been issued via the EU platform www.learning-agreement.eu. They should help to support European universities in transition to fully digital Learning Agreements.

Please be aware that the OLAs are not signed by the International Office at FH Münster but by the respective responsible person of the departments!

Here's a guide on how to fill out the OLA for the part of "Receiving Institution" as well as the responsible persons in each department who will sign the OLA for you:

In most departments, the language of instruction is German. A B1 level certificate in German is required by these departments to ensure successful completion of studies and a pleasant stay. For courses taught in English, a B1 level certificate in English (or equivalent) is required. Some Master programmes and the Department of Chemical Engineering require a B2 level of English or German respectively.

FH Münster accepts Certificates of Language Proficiency issued by your home university or by a Goethe-Institut in your home country. It must be provided before the application deadline for the corresponding semester.

A large number of courses in foreign languages are offered each semester in the departments of FH Münster. Find an overview of these courses here:


All international students must be enrolled to be able to study at FH Münster. The enrolment procedure is managed via the Mobility Online Portal, wherein students must upload the necessary documents such as a copy of the I.D. / passport and a proof of health insurance (e.g. European Health Insurance Card). These documents are then forwarded to the Service Office for Students.

Semester Fee:

No tuition fees are charged for studying at FH Münster but all students must pay a semester fee for each semester (currently 301,34€ for the summer semester 2021). This is not a tuition fee but a social contribution towards the services of the Studierendenwerk Münster (Münster Student Support Services), the student council, the Hochschulsport (University Sports Club) and the Semesterticket (Public Transport Pass).

EU students must pay the semester fee via SEPA transfer before their arrival in Münster / Steinfurt. Non-EU students can choose to pay it before or after their arrival in Germany, once they have opened a German bank account.


If students want to spend one more semester at FH Münster, they have to re-register at the end of the previous semester online through their FH student portal. Please note that re-registration is not done automatically. The Service Office for Students sends an email for re-registration and students are then required to re-register in due course. If they fail to do so, students are deregistered from FH Münster.

Internship at FH Münster

International students from partner universities from both the EU and outside of the EU can do an internship at FH Münster in selected departments (mostly in engineering departments). Internship are possible only as per available capacities in the labs at FH Münster. Students interested in doing an internship are welcome to send us following documents per email to fhirstfh-muensterde :

  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Transcript of Records
  • Language certificates (German and / or English)

The documents will be forwarded to the respective department for getting them assessed. If the department accepts the application, the International Office will inform the student about the decision.

Please note that we can only accept applications for internships with a duration of minimum 3 months and which are planned during the official semester dates.

After the application procedure is completed, a decision will be taken whether or not the applicant can be enrolled at FH Münster. Should an enrolment be necessary, the International Office will send relevant information regarding the enrolment procedure to the students. The documents such as copy of a national ID / passport, proof of health insurance (e.g. European Health Insurance Card) and an enrolment form must be then sent to the International Office via email. These documents are eventually forwarded to the Service Office for processing. After paying the semester fee, the interns can sign in on myFH-Portal and download the semester ticket for free transport.

All interns are obliged to ensure that they are adequately insured. Apart from the obligatory health insurance, it is recommended to get an accident and a liablility insurance for the duration of the internship. The interns are insured against accidents within the premises of FH Münster and it's labs throughout the internship.

Most of the departments at FH Münster have German as their main language of instruction. However, the supervision of an internship can be offered in English with prior agreement of the respective Professor who would act as a mentor. Students intending to do an internship with supervision in English need to have very good English skills (B2 level).

Downloads: Factsheet for Partner universities

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