Registration at the citizens' office

As soon as you have a permanent residence, you should register at the "Einwohnermeldeamt" (Citizen's residence office) within a few days.
You will need your passport and two documents ("Anmeldung bei der Meldebehörde" and "Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung").

Residence permit

If you have entered Germany with a visa, usually you have apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners Department in your city within 90 days.
International students have to prove that they have around € 992 per month and about € 11.904 per year their disposal for the first study year. This is taken as a proof that you can earn a living (via blocked account, declaration of commitment or a scholarship).

In Münster, you submit an appointment request ("Terminanfrage") via the website. You will then be contacted by the authority by email or by mail.
In the case of an extension, an appointment request three months before the expiry of your residence permit is sufficient.
In Steinfurt, you will receive a letter by post mail from the Foreigners office after you registered at the citicens office.

In other places you have to contact the authorities directly and ask for an appointment.

Health Insurance

Health Insurance Card

Health insurance can be taken out with any of the German statutory health insurance companies. Those in possession of a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC for short) do not have to take out additional insurance; their insurance coverage is also applicable in Germany.

This is also the case when students take out overseas health insurance in their home country. In this case, a certificate written in German or English must be issued and presented to a German statutory health insurance companies for verification.

Students wishing to take out accident or liability insurance may contact one of the statutory health insurance companies. For more information about statutory health insurance companies, please contact the International Office.

Costs for a living

Costs of living

You should expect monthly costs of living of about more than 992 Euro.

The monthly costs can vary depending on your living situation and other needs.
The largest part must be planned for your rent.

A higher proof of your financial amount must be shown starting from the winter semester 2024/25 on. The amount increases to 992 Euro per month or more than 11.904 Euro per year.

Licence fee

International students have to pay a monthly licence fee of 18,36 €. This sum will be used to finance the public media services.
The contribution will be collected by "ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice". You will receive a letter with a request for payment after you have moved in.

Please take the payment seriously - it can have negative consequences if you do not pay the amount.

Working in Germany

International students are allowed to work 140 full days or 280 half days a year, up to 20 hours a week. Please note: You are not allowed to become self-employed or to work as a freelancer.

If you want to work more, you need the approval of Agentur für Arbeit and Ausländerbehörde.

An exception: If you work as a "scientific assistant" there is no limit. The foreigners authority must nevertheless be informed.

If you attend a language course in preparation for your studies, you may only work with the agreement of the Employment Agency and the Aliens Department and only during the holiday period.

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