Funding opportunities
There are also funding opportunities for shorter stays abroad as part of your studies, for example to participate in a summer school or to write your final thesis outside Europe:
Summer and Winter Schools
Taking a course at a university abroad during the lecture-free period? This is possible by participating in a Summer School (or Winter School). You can either continue your education in a specific subject - or get a taste of a completely different field. Summer and Winter Schools are offered all over the world. You can find a first overview of these courses in other European countries under However, not all summer schools are represented there. If you are interested in a particular university, check directly on their websites to see if summer schools are planned.
Summer Schools at our partner universities
Language course abroad
Would you like to learn a new foreign language - or deepen your existing knowledge? Universities, private language schools and language institutes around the world offer intensive language courses. The courses are available for many languages and at different levels. With other language students, you can not only try out your new skills in class, but also test them in everyday life and learn a lot about the culture of the country along the way.
When choosing a provider, make sure that the level, course size, and offerings match your expectations.