Infoveranstaltung in Steinfurt: Praktikum im Ausland Workshop in Münster: Work placements abroad

Datum: Montag, 18.April.2016
Zeit: ganztägig, 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Ort: Campus Steinfurt Stegerwaldstraße 39 48565 Steinfurt Raum: Gebäude A, Raum: 302 Münster University of Applied Sciences Leonardo-Campus
Kategorien: Terminkalender FH
“Before, applicants who had spent time abroad used to stand out of the crowd. Now those who have not been abroad stand out,” said an entrepreneur in the course of an interview. Language skills, key skills and international competencies are just a few components that trainees bring home with them after a work placement abroad. Openness and tolerance, creativity and “a respite” from everyday student life are effects that can influence students’ further study and career plans. But how do I go about finding an internship at a company abroad? What do I have to bear in mind in the application procedure? What financing options exist? Which aspects of organising a work placement abroad (accommodation, insurance, etc.) are important? These are just a few questions that will be answered during the workshop. Handouts and experience reports by returnees and practical exercises round off the workshop. The workshop will be led by Nick Langer and Samia Jalal-Tiede (International Office). Please send an e-mail to secure a place on the workshop, stating your field of study/semester, your phone number and, if applicable, the region where you would like to carry out your work placement. Participation is free. There are a limited number of places available.

Sprachkenntnisse, Schlüsselqualifikationen und internationale Kompetenz sind nur einige der Komponenten, die Praktikanten aus dem Ausland mitbringen. Offenheit und Toleranz, Kreativität und "Erholung" vom Studienalltag sind Effekte, die die weitere Studien- und Berufsplanung beeinflussen können.

Doch wie finde ich einen Praktikumsplatz bei einem Unternehmen im Ausland? Was muss ich bei dem Bewerbungsverfahren beachten? Welche Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten gibt es? Welche Aspekte der Organisation eines Auslandspraktikums (Wohnen, Versicherungen etc.) sind wichtig?
Dies sind einige der Fragen, die wir Ihnen beantworten wollen.

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