Öffentlicher Vortrag: Mode-locking without saturable absorber Public lecture: Mode-locking without saturable absorber

Datum: Mittwoch, 4.Dezember.2019
Zeit: ganztägig, 17:00 Uhr c. t. 17:00h c.t.
Ort: FH Münster, Campus Steinfurt Stegerwaldstraße 39, Raum D 145 (Gebäudeteil D, Parkplatz P3) 48565 Steinfurt Fachhochschule Münster, Campus Steinfurt Stegerwaldstrasse 39, room D 145 (building D, parking area P3) 48565 Steinfurt, Germany
Kategorien: Terminkalender FH, Forschung & Transfer, Chemieingenieurwesen, Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Physikingenieurwesen
Mode-locking is the key technology for generation of femtosecond andattosecond pulses, which are the shortest controllable events in nature. On the theory side, it isgenerally agreed that one cannot mode-lock a laser without an effective saturable absorber. In the past decade, however, there have been numerous reports that seem to defy this paradigm. Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt. Mode-locking is the key technology for generation of femtosecond andattosecond pulses, which are the shortest controllable events in nature. On the theory side, it isgenerally agreed that one cannot mode-lock a laser without an effective saturable absorber. In the past decade, however, there have been numerous reports that seem to defy this paradigm. The lecture will be held in English.

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