
How to find us

University of Applied Sciences, Muenster

University of Applied Sciences

Institute of Sustainable Nutrition

Corrensstraße 25

48149 Münster

phone: +49 251 83-65570

email: isunfh-muensterde

On the A1 coming from the north/south

Continue along the A1 until you reach the exit Münster-Nord.
Carry on straight ahead towards Münster. Turn right into the Orléons-Ring at the sixth traffic light. Turn right at the first traffic light and follow the Apffelstaedtstraße until the next traffic light, where you should turn left.
The FHZ is on the right-hand side.
If you turn right before the building you will find our parking spaces on the left-hand side.

The FHZ is located near the following bus stops:

  • Mendelstraße: Bus stop for routes 2 (direction "Alte Sternwarte") and 13 (direction "Technologiehof").

  • Coesfelder Kreuz: Bus stop for routes 5 (direction "Nienberge"), 11 (direction "Dieckmannstraße"), 12 (direction "Rüschhausweg") and 22 (direction Heekweg")

  • Schreiberstraße: Bus stop for routes 5 and 11

All routes start/run via main station.

There are direct flights from Berlin, Dresden, Eindhoven, Frankfurt, Geneva, Leipzig/Halle, London, Munich, Nice, Paris, Stuttgart, Venice and Zurich.

Transfer by car: Leave the airport and turn into the road towards Münster called Hüttruper Heide. Follow the B475 for around 3.2 km and get on to the A1 towards Dortmund at the motorway slip-road Ladbergen. Remain on the A1 until you reach the exit Münster-Nord (approximately 21 km). From here, follow the directions given for coming from the north/south (see above).

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