Treffen der Verbund- und Praxispartner
Lynn Wagner of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy is part of the research team. (Photo: FH Münster/OEF)
The NAHGAST II project managers invited to a half-time meeting at the FH Münster in January. The project NAHGAST II revovles around sustainable production and consumption in out-of-home catering and runs from July 2019 to November 2020. In the project, a team of researches from the affiliated partners TU Berlin, Wuppertal Institute and the iSuN work on four work packages: Evaluation of the NAHGAST calculator, communication with the client, information about food waste and evaluation of the transfer into practice. "The practice partners have attested repeatedly how relevant the project is for them. Their customers increasingly ask for sustainably produced offers," says project coordinator Silke Friedrich from iSuN. More than 20 gastronomic businesses from different segments are the practice partners who put the developed instruments to the test. One of those instruments is the NAHGAST calculator which can be used by gastronomers to investigate how sustainable a single dish is.
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