
05:00 am
Weather at Steinfurt (c) DTN-meteogroup

Air temperature 0,4 °C
Air humidity 88,7 %
Local atmospheric pressure 987,7 hPa
Mean sea level pressure 996,3 hPa
Wind direction SW (233°)
Wind speed 19,7 km/h (5,5 m/s)
Wind force 3 bft (Gentle breeze)
Precipitation (since 02:00 am) 0,0 mm/24h
Air temperature near ground (5cm) -0,2 °C
Dew point temperature -1,2 °C
Solar radiation 0 W/m²
Sunshine duration (since 02:00 am) 00:00 hh:mm
Dawn 07:24 Uhr
Sunrise 08:02 Uhr
Sunset 16:31 Uhr
Dusk 17:10 Uhr

All data are presented without obligation. The displayed data are average values of the past hour. Sunshine duration and precipitation amount are summed values per day. The calculated sunrise and sunset times may vary by 1-2 minutes.
Any use of the data presented requires the permission of the operators. The station is integrated into the measuring network of DTN meteogroup. The data are used for the weather forecast of the Steinfurt region.

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