
Sawubona - Intercultural Training South Africa

11. Oktober 2024

Zum Thema

Sawubona and a warm welcome to an intercultural training session on South Africa.  This interactive workshop is both for students who are travelling to South Africa and those who are still contemplating the opportunity and need some insights for informed decision-making.


This is a catch-up date from the originally scheduled workshop in May.




We'll delve into key aspects, including:

  1. Stereotyping and Unconscious Bias: challenge preconceptions and biases through open dialogue, fostering empathy and cultural sensitivity.
  2. Cultural Dimensions: gain insights into the cultural dimensions shaping interactions in South Africa
  3. Phases of Adjustment: understand the stages of cultural adjustment in South Africa and develop strategies in advance to navigate the inevitable highs and lows of your journey.
  4. Discover the rich ethnic diversity of South Africa
  5. Official languages: immerse yourself in the linguistic diversity of South Africa, from the twelve official languages to the unique expressions of South African English.
  6. LGBTQ Communicy: gain an understanding of the LGBTQ community in South Africa
  7. Tips to accelerate cultural integration: some do's and don'ts.
  8. What are the safety precautions I should take in South Africa. What is public transportation like? How feasible is it to travel within South Africa?
  9. General tips from a student who has been on exchange to South Africa

This workshop goes beyond theory, offering practical applications to ensure you're equipped with the knowledge and mindset needed for a fulfilling and respectful experience in South Africa. We will also have fun during the workshop, giving all participants a chance to socialize and build their network.


All students of the FH Münster who are interested in South African culture.



Please register online.

You would like to participate, but the workshop is full? Please register anyway. Then you will be on the waiting list and move up if someone cancels.

You would like to participate, but the registration deadline has already passed? If there are free places, they will still be allocated. Please email karolin.boom@fh-muenster.de.


You have registered but cannot come? You have to deregister. Otherwise you can be banned from all Pluspunkt events for 6 months! All info can be found at www.fh-muenster.de/studium/pluspunkt/teilnahmebedingungen.php


For this event you will earn 8 points for the Pluspunkt certificate! More about the certificate can be found here.

Conditions of participation

With your registration you agree to the conditions of participation of PLUSPUNKT. You can find more information at www.fh-muenster.de/studium/pluspunk/teilnahmebedingungen.php

Rahmendaten der Veranstaltung
Veranstalter:International Office
AnsprechpartnerInnen, DozentInnen, ReferentInnen und Seminarleitung

  • Karolin Boom M.A.
  • Sybille Kenny-Erb
  • Hüfferstiftung
    Hüfferstraße 27
    48149 Münster
  • Raum: B017
Termin(e), Uhrzeiten
11. Oktober 202409:00 - 16:30 Uhr

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