
Do you have a question about our study program? Feel free to write to us via our contact form or get in touch with the people below in person.

Maybe you can already find the answer to your question in our FAQ.

Head of degree course

Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Mertins

Department of Engineering Physics

Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: G 182a

Tel: +49 2551 9-62313


Photo of Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Mertins

Study coordinator

Kirsten Elfering M.Sc.

Institute for Institute of Business Administration & Engineering

Bismarckstraße 11, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: HGI 207

Tel: +49 2551 9-62311


Photo of Kirsten Elfering M.Sc.

Examination issues

Doris Hemker-Rönne

Department of Engineering Physics

Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: A206

Tel: +49 2551 9-62166
Fax: +49 2551 9-62201


Examiner Chemistry

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wäsche

Department of Chemical Engineering

Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: G 186

Tel: +49 2551 9-62467
Fax: +49 2551 9-62711
Mobile: 0172 1310653


If you have a B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering please contact the examiner for any questions.

Photo of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wäsche

Examiner Physics

Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Mertins

Department of Engineering Physics

Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: G 182a

Tel: +49 2551 9-62313


If you have a B.Sc. degree in Physics please contact the examiner for any questions.

Photo of Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Mertins


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