
Our achievements

Scientific illustrations were created for the "Whales - Giants of the Seas" exhibition at LWL Museum of Natural History in Münster.

All those offered a place at Münster School of Design have already managed to convince several experts of their creative aptitude.

After an orientation phase, our Bachelor programme offers students the possibility to expand on their skills in an area of emphasis of their choice. With our budding experts from the four areas of

  • Media Design 
  • Communication Design 
  • Illustration and 
  • Product Design 

we cover a whole spectrum of potential communications tasks.

In the process, we are equally interested in overarching project ideas that provide further impetus to our students. This leads to exciting synergetic effects, particularly when project work is involved: students from the different areas of specialisation work together to find a joint approach, enabling the disciplines to gain and learn from each other .

How you benefit

As a potential partner of Münster School of Design or an initiator of a student project work, you will benefit from an intuitive, unbiased artistic perspective that often produces outstanding creative ideas. Having been introduced to design methods and principles, our young designers are equipped with the tools they need to put their knowledge into practice.

We are looking for companies and institutions that do not simply wish to have projects undertaken, but that concern themselves with how people handle things and which needs people have or do not have, so as to join forces with us to think ahead about how we wish to communicate and interact in the future. To this end, aspects such as proximity to everyday life, technology, and innovation within the meaning of social, economic and ecological sustainability are relevant.

If you would like to implement such a project, it may be worth while cooperating with Münster School of Design at Münster University of Applied Sciences. We look forward to hearing from you - no strings attached. Please contact the Dean, Professor Ralf Beuker.

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