Student Journal 360°

360° is a student journal dealing with politics and society that is created in cooperation with the Faculty of Design.

The journal appears twice a year treating every time a different topic. It offers students of every branch of study the opportunity to publish own academic articles already during university studies.

Treaty of Westphalia - Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow - Muenster 2006

The peace negotiation in Muenster and Osnabrueck in 1648 was the first big political conference of the European powers and an important milestone in the history as it constitutes the basis for further negotiations with legal binding solutions. Therefore, the city of Muenster wants to commemorate this historical event with the exhibition series »Treaty of Westphalia. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.«? The core of the annual presented exhibition series shall be exemplary up-to-date ideas and projects concerning conflict resolution and peacekeeping in the fields politics, science, media, education and culture. The conception as well as the realisation of the exhibition was under the direction of two work groups of the Faculty Design.

Photography Project »Young musicians and musicians? portraits«

Joint project of the Faculty Design and the conservatoire Muenster: In the context of a portrait course have students of Prof. Hermann Dornhege taken pictures of young gifted musicians of the conservatoire in Muenster. The results have been presented in the course of an exhibition which also comprehends a concert of young students of the conservatoire.

Fotography summer workshop in Ticino

From the 13th through the 27th of May 2006 a summer workshop of the Faculty Design with the emphasis on photography has taken place for the first time. 15 students under the direction of Prof. Hermann Dornhege visited the Casa Azzurra in Vira next to the Lago Maggiore. The highlight of the trip was the presentation of the results of the workshop in front of the inhabitants of Vira.

Image campaign of the University of Applied Sciences

In the context of the seminar »Fast drafts« under the direction of Prof. Gisela Grosse, Tanja Recker and Prof Hermann Dornhege students of the Faculty of Design developed a series of postcards which portrait the studies at the University of Applied Sciences Muenster. In each case five of the portrait cards build up an individual face.

CD-ROM »The historical library of the grammar school Arnoldium«

New ways to present science: the CD-Rom presents opportunities of media coding and media support of whole texts in the fields of library science, history, medical science, philosophy and law. Furthermore, it shows the first interactive presentation of a book restoration and presents as a complete digital book the history of the library written by Funck in the year 1774.

Orientation- and guidance system for sighted and non-sighted people

An orientation- and guidance system is the backbone of an art exhibition setted up in the museum »Glaskasten Marl«. This system offers in the first instance non-sighted visitors orientation guide. Due to this innovation even non-sighted visitors are able to decide on which exhibit they want to concentrate.

Hybrid culture

A media premiere for the Suhrkamp Verlag (ann.: a German publishing house) is the CD-Rom »hybrid culture« developed by a working group of the Faculty Design. It is the first time that the publishing house enters the way of publishing interactive media.

1648 ? War and Peace in Europe

In the course of an europe-wide interdisciplinary project a full screendesign including navigation and a range of functions was developed for the CD-ROM of the exhibition »1648 ? War and Peace in Europe«. The exhibition took place in 14 museums in 1998/1999. The project has been awarded the World Medal at the New York Festival 1998.
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