
Nutrition plays a fundamental role for health, well-being and physical performance. Hence, preservation and promotion of health is one of the most important challenges for society.

The master degree programme educates a highly qualified next generation of specialists, who are able to innovate in different occupational groups. The program is directed to those who are looking for a practice-oriented supplementary qualification in the field of health promotion and prevention based on nutrition, food communication and public relations.

Our degree programme offers seminars, case studies and practical projects which are in part conducted with renowned institutions (e.g. nutritional and pharmaceutical industry; hospitals, public organizations, media representatives, research institutions). The program is especially designed to succeed in management positions.


Facts and requirements

Applicants need a first higher education degree with a minimum grade of 2,3 (according to the German grading system) in the field of Oecotrophologie or nutrition and dietetics. They need to be focused on nutrition and dietetics with a volume of 50 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) in chemistry, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, nutrition and nutrition medicine.

  • duration: four terms
  • enrollment: twice a year, Spring term (March), application deadline 15th January, Autumn term (October), application deadline 15th July
  • no tuition fees (except about 260 Euro/term semester fee)
  • admission restrictions (mandatory)
  • pre-study internship (mandatory)
  • German authorization for university entrance (mandatory)
  • workload is 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
  • each successfully completed module is rewarded with five credit points (ECTS)
  • language: German and English (various electives)


List of Modules (all taught in German)

  • Research methods in nutrition science 1, 2
  • Adipositas
  • Dietary diseases
  • Pathobiochemistry
  • Pedeatric and youth medicine
  • Health psychology A, B
  • Nutrition for target groups
  • Public health nutrition
  • Project

Elective Modules taught in German

  • Food intolerance and allergies
  • Treatment concepts in Diabetes Mellitus
  • Clinical nutrition
  • Ernährung and oncology
  • Communication and public relations in the field of nutrition and health care
  • Biotechnology and genetic engineering in food industry
  • Food microbiology
  • Functional food
  • Immunoassays for diagnostics in allergies and food analysis
  • Health management
  • Diet in chronic kidney disease
  • Nutrition in sports
  • Statistics in research of nutrition
  • Nutrition in target metabolic situations
  • Communication strategies in the field of nutrition
  • Concepts and implementation of trainings for target groups
  • Eating disorders
  • Management of sustainability
  • Current research in sustainable services and food industry
  • Health communication
  • Producing sustainably in the food system
  • Resource efficiency of products and services
  • Consumer behaviour and food culture
  • Audiocasts - Sustainability and health
  • Audiocasts - audible knowledge

Elective Modules taught in English

EW18 Nutrition in migration and forced migration (English taught)

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