Content and Structure

As a real estate and facility manager you have expert knowledge on economics, architecture, civil engineering, energy and building technology.

We arrange well-founded expertise and soft skills, e.g. project management, professional dealing with clients and presentation techniques.

Our degree programmes prepare for real-estate leaders in engineering consultancies, consulting companies, service providers and in the broad field of facility management.

Graduates advise on strategies for planning and developing office, manufacturing or retail properties. In addition they are responsible for the management of building complexes.

The bachelor degree programme is made up of three parts: First of all our students get basic knowledge of economics and technical facility management. From the second semester on, students find out how to manage construction projects, how integrate specific software to implent new ideas and how to lead a company successfully.

Students have the chance to increase a deeper knowledge of facility management and to promote their own interests. Therefore we offer a wide variety of elective courses.

Studies are accompanied by practical projects, case studies and excursions.

In the final term students have to do an internship in her professional field. Afterwards they do their bachelorthesis and obtain a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc). degree.

Our degree programmes are certified under the terms of GEFMA (German Facility Management Association).

Standard period of study: Six terms

Study cycle: Program shall begin in the autumn term

Study fees: No tuition fees (except 260 Euro/term semester fee)

Admission restrictions: Yes

Pre-study internship: No     

Entry requirements: German authorization for university entrance

Workload: 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Each successfully completed module is rewarded with five credits of the ECTS.

Language: German
English (various electives)



To be eligible for selection, applicants are required to:


German language entry requirements

International students who speak German as a foreign language must have obtained one of the following standards:

  • TestDaF (German as a Foreign Language Test),level 4
  • DSH (German language test for admission to higher education), level 2
  • "Deutsche Sprachdiplom (Level II) of the KMK" (taken at German schools abroad)
  • "Kleine Deutsche Sprachdiplom" or "Große Deutsche Sprachdiplom" from the Goethe Institute
  • "Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung" (ZOP) from the Goethe Institute and "Goethe-Zertifikat C2-GDS" respectively
  • "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule"
  • UNICERT Certificate Level III or IV for German (at universities)
  • Aptitude test in the preparatory course before studies (Studienkolleg), minimum grade 4 in German

    For more information about German language entry requirements see: Pre-study German course

International guest students spend one or two semesters studying at Münster University of Applied Sciences without intending to complete a degree need at least Level B1 German language competences. (Evidence of language proficiency may be issued by the home university or a Goethe-Institute in the home country.)


Program structure

First year

Basics Facility Management
Service Management
Basics Architecture
Basics technical facility management
Financial Management 1
Real estate management 1
Process management
Digital planning, constructing and operating
Building services engineering 1
Real estate economics
Financial management 2

Second/third year

Real estate management
Call for tender and service control
Case study 1
Case study 2
Case study 3
Building services engineering 2
Human recource management
Commercial, real estate, procurement law
Energy management
Maintenance management
Project management
Strategic management
Life cycle management
Renewable energy
Quantitative research methods
Elective 1(choose by the student from the elective list)
Elective 2 (choose by the student from the elective list)


German taught

CAD - Computer aided design
Facility Management - Software and databases
Facility management - Operating concepts for real estate
Operatores' responsibility
Integral planning and work place design
Health management
Integrated management systems
Industrial hygiene
Spanish 1, 2 (beginners, advanced)
Building information modeling
Sustainability Management

English taught

Business improvement methodology

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