The Student Lab
Our Student Lab encourages experimentation, research and discovery for sixth form students. Challenging physics laboratory classes covering the entire spectrum of fundamental physics are offered to cooperating schools, which would usually be unable to provide such classes. In addition, a number of high school students are invited to conduct experimental work in our laboratory.
We are currently collaborating with a number of schools to create a Mobile Lab. In this project, sponsored by the Robert Bosch Foundation, high school students and teachers, students and professors join forces to set up a commercially unavailable experiment stand for use in participating schools. The stand will enable experiments to be conducted in semiconductor physics, electron optics, quantum physics and vacuum technology.
Our Physics Show
During our Physics Show, we demonstrate 25 exciting experiments to 4th to 7th graders. Within the space of an hour, we touch on the subjects of music, light, wind, electricity, heat and vacuum. During the show, we introduce children to the fascinating world of space physics; turn light into fire; send cyclones through the lecture hall; make phone calls using laser beams; and play laser guitar.
High school students conduct research
Whether Girls' Days or in the Student Lab: our young visitors are always extremely interested in the experiments and research we conduct with them.