Where can I get a library card?

The FH-Card is also a library card.

Where's the library?

The library is located in the S building.

All further information about the library can be found here:

Where's the dean's office?

You will find the dean's office for Faculty 11 in building P (container building on car park P 4) on the upper floor on the left-hand side of the corridor.

Where can I study or work in peace?

There are learning rooms in the GRIPS II building (M) opposite the H building on the first floor.
There is also a vending machine café. There are also small learning islands in the departments along the staircases or in the corridors.

Further individual and group workstations are available in building K.

All information about the learning areas in Steinfurt can be found here in the News:

What do I do in case of an accident?

In general, the procedure as taught in every first aid course applies!
For laboratories and workshops there are special instructions with rules of conduct at the appropriate time.

Otherwise, if an accident happens, there will be the company paramedics and in some places first aid kits and cabinets. The important telephone numbers are also noted there.
In any case, any accidents must be reported to a professor or assistant!

Escape routes are marked accordingly, the plans are displayed in the corridors for information.

There is also a defibrillator (CPR) in lecture hall D 144.

Detailed information can be found in the AGU system of the university.

I come from abroad, is there a special contact person?

Yes, the office is on the left at the entrance to Campus Stegerwaldstraße. (between refectory and library)

I need someone to talk to.

Central Student Advisory Service

The Central Student Advisory Service offers personal advice. There is orientation and support on study-related topics. The contact persons are the first choice for prospective students, students, parents and others interested in the university.

Office hours Steinfurt:

Janna Rademacher from SOS
Tue & Wed 10.00-12.00 h & 13.00-15.00 h
and by arrangement

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