betois - bending tortois insole system
This measuring device consists of an insole which is placed into the shoe. Strain gauges are used to measure bending and torsion moments and the angles of both bending and torsion at five different locations (see grey circles). However, on customer request the strain gauges can be applied at any location. The following picture illustrates the bending moment at the first metartarso-phalangeal joint (MPT I).
The following diagram shows a typical bending moment curve at MTP I for a complete gait cycle. A plantar flexion moment is acting during the middle and late stand phase (20% - 50% gait cycle). During the transition to the swing phase (60% gait cycle) a considerable dorsal extension moment can be observed. Almost no moments can be detected the middle and late swing phase (70% - 100% gait cycle).
National and international patent pending.
- Stief: A new measurement system for determining bending moments at the human foot during footwear conditions. (pdf, 343.7 KB)
- Peikenkamp: The effect of rocker soles on bending and torsional load acting on the forefoot during walking and slow jogging. (pdf, 154.02 KB)
- Dawin,Stief: Innensohlenmesssystem zur Bestimmung von Biege- und Torsionsmomenten im Schuh. (pdf, 471.02 KB)
- Stief: betois - Messsystem zur Bestimmung von fußbelastenden Biegemomenten im Schuh. (pdf, 643.58 KB)
- Stief: Das bending-torsion-insole-system-betois aus Münster: Neue Erkenntnisse zur Belastung des Fußes im Schuh (pdf, 193.47 KB)
- Vogelbuschetal: Neue Belastungsparameter zum Einfluss der Ballenrolle auf den Vorfuß. (pdf, 305.38 KB)