
Katrin Uude M.A.

Münster School of Business

Johann-Krane-Weg 23, 48149 Münster, Room: 3rd floor

Tel: +49 251 83-65594


Photo of Katrin Uude M.A.

Short bio

Katrin Uude is a Research Associate at the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre at the FH Münster University of Applied Sciences and a PhD Candidate at the University of Adelaide. Her PhD focuses on the dynamics of engagement in the process of social innovation. She is particularly interested in science with and for society and the co-creation of social innovation.


Academic Researcher and PhD Candidate

Home country


PhD topic

Engagement Dynamics

Partner university for the PhD

University of Adelaide

Expected year of graduation


Teaching classes

Science-to-Society Semesterproject, Research seminar in the Masters Programmes, International Marketing and Sales and Master Digital Business Innovation Management, Summer School Design and Technology & Innovation

Coordinating projects

Münster.land.leben, CoCreAid, eWBL & ENHANCER

Curriculum Vitae:

  • 2019 - Master of Arts in Communication Studies; Westfälische Wilhelms-Universtiy Münster
  • 2017 - Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design; FH Münster, University of Applied Sciences
  • 2014 - Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (Media and Communication Studies, Political Science, Sociology); Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf)

Katrin Uude: "I am passionate about the idea of contributing to the development of our society, and thus I am fascinated by social innovations. Therefore, I am researching how Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and societal partners can co-create solutions for the current problems in our society. Moreover, I am curious about the engagement and engagement dynamics of the social innovation process. Seeing how you can collaborate with students, academics and community stakeholders to make a collective contribution to moving society forward inspires me every day."


  1. Plewa, C., Helmer, J., Uude, K., Conduit, J., & Forde, N. (2024). From Purpose to Impact - From Partnerships to Shaping Systems. In: O´Regan (2024). From Purpose to Impact: The University and Business Partnership. Taylor & Francis, New York, Chapter 9.
  2. Gerke, D. M., Uude, K., & Kliewe, T. (2023). Co-creation and societal impact: Toward a generic framework for research impact assessment. Evaluation, 13563890231195906.
  3. Wesbuer, Annika, Kurzhals, Kerstin, Uude, Katrin (2022). Framework for university-society co-creation. Presentation at Continuous Innovation Network Conference 2022 (11.-13.09.2022) Pisa, Italy
  4. Wesbuer, Annika; Kurzhals, Kerstin; Uude, Katrin (2022). USC Ecosystem: A Comprehensive Framework for university-society co-creation. Presentation at University-Industry Interaction Conference 2022 (14.-15-06.2022), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  5. Uude, Katrin, Kurzhals, Kerstin & Wesbuer, Annika (2022): "Payback" von Citizen-Science - Ein partizipatives Evaluationsmodell. Presentation at the Forum Citizen Science 2022, Global - Regional - Lokal: mit Bürgerwissenschaften für die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele, 12-13.05.2022, Bonn, Germany.
  6. Sormani, E., & Uude, K. (2022). Academics' prosocial motivation for engagement with society: The case of German academics in health science. Science and Public Policy. Link.
  7. Kurzhals, K., Uude, K., Sormani, E., Chak, C. M., & Banze, M. (2022). Das Co-Creation Toolbook: Methoden für eine erfolgreiche Kooperation zwischen Hochschule und Gesellschaft (p. 263). Springer Nature. Link
  8. Kurzhals, Kerstin, Uude, Katrin, Chak, Chaoiwai Maggie & Sormani, Eva (2021). Gemeinsam.zukunft.gestalten. Die wesentlichen Stolpersteine in transdisziplinären Kooperationen kennen und vermeiden. Münster, Germany. Link.
  9. Kurzhals, Kerstin & Uude, Katrin (2021): What impedes a successful Third Mission? Identifying and avoiding the main barriers in transdisciplinary cooperation. Conference paper, UIIN Conference 2021, 14.-16.06.2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands (digital).
  10. Sormani, Eva & Uude, Katrin (2020): Academics´ motivation for collaboration in partnerships and knowledge exchange: leverage or bargaining chip? Conference paper, ISIRC Conference, 01-03.09.2020 in Sheffield, United Kingdom (virtual).
  11. Uude, Katrin; Schirrmacher, Marie & Droste, Carla (2023): Unlocking the potential of digital co-creation between HEIs, NGOs and citizens. Conference paper, Triple Helix XXI Conference, 26-29.06.23 in Barcelona, Spain.
  12. Łobacz, K., Tylżanowski, R., Schirrmacher, M., & Uude, K. (2023). Success factors and barriers to digital co-creation between HEIs and NGOs. Procedia Computer Science, 225, 4254-4263


  1. Uude, Katrin (2024): Engagement Dynamics in Service Ecosystems. Doctoral Colloquium of the Forum on Markets and Marketing: Institutions, Service Ecosystems, and Emergence (FMM 2024), 06-09.01.24 in Adelaide, Australia.
  2. Uude, Katrin, Conduit, Jodie & Plewa, Carolin (2024). A typology of actor engagement roles within collaborative settings. 13th SERVSIG Conference 2024: Service for Humanity, 05.-08.06.24 in Bordeaux, France.
  3. Kurzhals, Kerstin & Uude, Katrin (2022): Das Co-Creation Toolbook. Methoden für eine erfolgreiche Kooperation zwischen Hochschulen und Gesellschaft. Presentation at the "Mittagspause mit Bürger schaffen Wissen", 25.05.2022, Germany (virtual).
  4. Uude, Katrin, Kurzhals, Kerstin & Wesbuer, Annika (2022): "Payback" von Citizen-Science - Ein partizipatives Evaluationsmodell, presentation at the Forum Citizen Science 2022, Global - Regional - Lokal: mit Bürgerwissenschaften für die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele, 12-13.05.2022, Bonn, Germany.
  5. Kurzhals, Kerstin & Uude, Katrin (2021): What impedes a successful Third Mission? Identifying and avoiding the main barriers in transdisciplinary cooperation. Presentation at UIIN Conference 2021, 14.-16.06.2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands (virtual).
  6. Kurzhals, Kerstin & Uude, Katrin (2021): Die wesentlichen Stolpersteine in transdisziplinären Kooperationen kennen und vermeiden, presentation and poster presentation at the Forum Citizen Science 2021, "Vertrauen, Wirkung, Wandel: Citizen Science als Antrieb von Veränderung?", 6-7.05.2021, Berlin, Germany (virtual).
  7. Uude, Katrin (2023): Unlocking the potential of digital co-creation between HEIs, NGOs, and citizens. Poster presentation at UIIN Conference 2023, 09-11.05, Budapest, Hungary.
  8. Uude, Katrin; Schirrmacher, Marie & Droste, Carla (2023): Unlocking the potential of digital co-creation between HEIs, NGOs and citizens. Triple Helix XXI Conference, 26-29.06.23 in Barcelona, Spain (virtual).
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