
1. Prepare in advance the questions for each step: Discover, Dream, Create, and Realize. The questions should be based on the interview topic and fit the interviewee's personality.

Discover: Identifies the best of the interviewee's experiences, e.g.: What aspects of your environment are you most proud of?

Dreaming: Explores the ideal of the interviewee's environment without regard to time, money and other resources (vision), e.g.: How do you envision a "healthy environment" in the future?

Design: Concretize the interviewee*s vision, e.g.: What do you think should be done to achieve the ideal situation?

Realize: Links existing resources to interests and skills to make the vision a reality, e.g.: Assess the human and financial resources, your environment has, to make the dream a reality.

2. Begin the conversation by introducing yourself to the interviewee. Start with the first stage - discovering - and ask the questions you have prepared. Be responsive to your partner's answers. Do not focus too much on the pre-formulated questions, instead adapt them to the interview situation. Then ask the questions for the other levels: Dreaming, Designing and Realizing.

3. Based on the conversation with the interviewee, define a common vision.

4. If you use the method in a workshop, first conduct it in groups of two, then share your vision in small groups (approx. 8 participants) and look for commonalities.

5. Finally, compile the results in the large group. Try to define a common vision.

More about the tool

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Very easy to use and does not require long preparation and training.
  • The method is well suited for interview structuring. The questions can be assigned well to the corresponding phases.
  • The interviewee feels addressed on a personal level by the type of questions. This allows a good basis of trust to be built up with the interview partner.
  • It is easier for the interviewee to answer personal questions than abstract ones.


  • Focusing exclusively on the positive can hide flaws, weaknesses, and risks.
  • Reserved people might reject this type of personal questions.

Application into practice

Lifestyles have a decisive influence on the development and course of civilization diseases. The majority of evaluated behavior-changing lifestyle programs have so far shown only short-term success. For this reason, the goal of the "Healthy Lifestyle Community" sub-project in mü is to establish lasting health-promoting structures in communities and to pass this to the citizens. In this way, people can be supported where they live. For the successful implementation of health-promoting programs in communities, it is necessary to know and understand the local conditions and structures. For this purpose, the subproject conducted interviews with mayors. On one hand, this ensured the participation of those responsible in the municipality right from the start, and on the other hand, relevant information was collected with the help of the Appreciative Inquiry method in order to be able to develop a common vision with the mayors. In preparation for the interviews, the project leaders used a questionnaire to create place-based and positively formulated questions for the four areas - discovering, dreaming, creating and realizing. In particular, the personal questions at the beginning, e.g. "Who is the healthiest person you know?", helped to create a positive atmosphere. The mayors were actively being motivated to think more deeply about the topic and could be persuaded to "tell the story". While one person conducted the interview, the answers were recorded in bullet points by a second person and entered into the corresponding fields of the Appreciative Inquiry template. This way, the results of the interview could be recorded immediately. These results were then used to conduct a workshop with all the mayors interviewed in order to develop a common project vision. Für die Vorbereitung der Interviews haben die Projektverantwortlichen mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens ortsbezogene und positiv formulierte Fragen für die vier Bereiche - Entdecken, Träumen, Gestalten und Verwirklichen - erstellt. Dabei konnten insbesondere durch die persönlichen Fragen zu Beginn, z. B. "Wer ist die gesündeste Person, die Sie kennen?" eine positive Atmosphäre aufgebaut werden. Die Bürgermeister*innen wurden dazu motiviert, sich tiefer mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen, und konnten zum "Erzählen" bewegt werden. Während eine Person das Gespräch geführt hat, wurden die Antworten von einer zweiten Person stichpunktartig aufgezeichnet und in die entsprechenden Felder des Appreciative-Inquiry-Templates eingetragen. Auf diesem Weg konnten die Ergebnisse des Interviews unmittelbar festgehalten werden. Diese Ergebnisse wurden anschließend dafür genutzt, einen Workshop mit allen befragten Bürgermeister*innen durchzuführen, um eine gemeinsame Projektvision zu entwickeln.

Hints from practice

  • Pay attention to the attitude of the other person. If the questions are too personal for the interviewee, become more distant. If the person responds to the questions, stay on a personal level.
  • If there is no information about the interviewee at the beginning, you should ask some general questions first and then personal questions.
  • Use scale values in the questions, e.g.: Where do you see your own health on the scale of 1-10? What needs to be done to bring your health status to a higher scale value?
  • Before the interview, you should test the questions with a colleague.


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