1. Choose a topic that you would like to promote within the community or city, such as promoting healthy lifestyles.
2. Recruit citizens of the community who are interested in a variety of topics related to your chosen topic, are already active in these areas (privately or professionally) and are interested in passing on information to other citizens. Good recruitment opportunities include community action days, self-initiated information evenings, health days, local press, but also targeting local health care providers.
3. Develop trainings that you want to conduct with the interested parties. Prepare materials for the workshops and seminars. In addition to content related information, think about soft skill exercises for the participants.
4. Meet for an open exchange with the interested citizens. Present your main topics (e.g. nutrition or stress management) and raise awareness for the relevance of the topics. Take information and suggestions on existing actions, structures and qualifications.
5. Train the ambassadors. Through several weeks of seminars and workshops, concrete content and methods are taught to motivate citizens for the selected topic (e.g. a health-promoting lifestyle) and support them in changing their behavior and passing on the knowledge.
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