1. For the implementation of this method, the participants should sit around a table. Worksheets and pens are distributed by a project leader. This person is responsible for the organization and time management and will not be involved in the brainwriting.
2. The project leader names a previously defined question or a set of topics on which ideas are to be collected. At the beginning, the question is discussed. Only questions of understanding are allowed, solutions are not to be discussed yet.
3. The 6-3-5 method follows the principle of its name: 6 rounds, 3 ideas, 5 minutes. Start with the first round: Within five minutes, each participant writes three ideas on the given question or topic on the worksheet. Communicating with the other participants is not allowed during the process.
4. After five minutes, each group member hands over his or her idea sheet to the person on the left. The neighboring participant develops them further, thinking about his/her own ideas/perspectives, but also elaborating on the ideas of the other participants. This process is usually repeated for six rounds until the piece of paper is back at the starting position. If there are more or fewer of you, the number of rounds will be adjusted accordingly.
5. There are often similar ideas that are described by people from different disciplines in different jargon. Now write these ideas in a common language so that they are understood by all participants.
6. At the end of the brainwriting session, there are many ideas. Discuss them in the group and prioritize the ideas. In the further course of the project, focus on the ideas and approaches that were ranked highest by all participants.