The ego network consists of a focal node (ego = "I") and the nodes connected to it (age= "contact person").
1. Define your node (ego). Should it be represented by only one person or a whole team?
2. Enter in the first level the direct connections to your focal account point (ego).
3. For the second level, think about who the people on the first level might know. This may give you access to new knowledge or information. These reflect the indirect connections. Also use social networks here (e.g. LinkedIn/XING/ResearchGate) if you are unsure who your direct connections network with.
4. Now draw the relationships between the individual nodes in your network using arrows. The direction of the arrow symbolizes the flow of information and knowledge. The more often a node is connected to other nodes through indirect connections, the easier it is for the ego to reach that node as well. Consider which nodes have a cross-border function, e.g., nodes that create connections between different sectors such as between science and society.
5. In addition, discuss which connections are considered strong or weak (the strength can be represented by the thickness of the arrow). Which connections should you be careful with? Which connections already have a good foundation of trust? Which connections need more resources to strengthen them?
6. The network changes during the course of the project. Modify your network as new connections emerge or existing relationships fall away.
7. If you want to connect your ego-network with different networks, you can follow the procedure described in the paper by Vehovar, Vasja et al. (2008).