The Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre is recognised for the project partnership approach to University-Business Cooperation (UBC). Conducting research in UBC including projects delivered for all UBC stakeholders:

  • Government: The study on cooperation between European private and public organisations delivered to the EC and the Leadership Development Program on Technology Transfer in the ALFA3 project.
  • University: Research Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Portugal, South Africa, Germany, Japan, Australia), Science-to-Business - Change Management to Enhance Knowledge Transfer and Partnerships between the HEIs and their economic context (in cooperation with 28 universities)
  • Business: WILO (customer satisfaction and need analysis), Windmöller & Hölscher (Development of a strategy and deriving operative measures for enhancing the cooperation between Windmöller & Hölscher and universities).
  • UBC intermediaries: Research Provider Studies in Germany and selected European countries, Institute for textile engineering of RWTH Aachen (SME-customer demographics-analyses in the border region Aachen and determination of the reasons for a lukewarm interest in a cooperation with ITA and the 3T GmbH), ProTon Europe (University Interaction with Industry).
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