
Schülerinnen und Schüler präsentieren spannende Ergebnisse beim Energiegespräch: "Schule-trifft-Klimakommune"

05 Juni 2024 | Saerbeck

Das Spannende am Projektkurs: Alle Projekte der Schülerinnen und Schüler entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit der Klimakommune und der Fachhochschule Münster. Master-Studentinnen des Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre der FH (forscht zur Verbindung zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft) betreuten den Kurs und führten die Schülerinnen und Schüler in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten ein.

Creating impactful societal change through research - Change Lab organizes research workshops for pupils

30 January 2024 | Münster

As part of the Change Lab project funded by the Münster School of Business, a semester project called Change Lab 3.0 was developed last semester under the direction of Judith Helmer, research associate at S2BMRC. This project is a cooperation between the FH Münster, the climate community Saerbeck, and the Maximilian-Kolbe-Gesamtschule (MKG), a comprehensive school in Saerbeck.

CHANGE LAB 2021: Livestream Event on "Social Entrepreneurship and the Search for Sustainable Solutions for Start-ups and Companies"

12 March 2021 | Münster

Why is social entrepreneurship important? Why do we need more social businesses? How can we start a new business that brings positive social impacts? These are the questions that Change Lab 2021 aimed to answer. Featuring the topic of "Social Entrepreneurship and the Search for Sustainable Solutions for Start-ups and Companies", Change Lab 2021 invited nine guest speakers of diverse backgrounds to share their ideas, experiences, tips and visions regarding starting and running a sustainable (social) business.

The first open forum event co-designed by-and-for students to share innovative ideas on societal changes

25 June 2019 | Münster

Change Lab is an open forum event based on student-driven interests. It is a shared co-learning platform for academics, external experts and students to spread ideas that create societal impacts and changes via short and powerful discussions. The goal of Change Lab is to create sparks between people from diverse backgrounds to jointly innovate for our society.

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