May 2020 | Emden/Leer

S2BMRC team member Alexander Lennart Schmidt was recently invited by Prof. Dorozalla from University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer to deliver a digital guest lecture on Disruptive Innovation. The objective was to discuss with the students about his research on disruptive innovation and how companies with disruptive business models are able to challenge established industry structures.

Because the understanding of the phenomenon of disruptive innovation increasingly broadens and significantly differs amongst scholars and practitioners, Alexander asked for the students' understanding of disruptive innovation prior and after the lecture.

Interestingly, most students started the lecture with an understanding that was rather based on the established attributes of technological, radical innovation. Through intense discussions and engagement with recent research findings during the guest lecture, this understanding considerably shifted towards the accepted criteria of disruptive innovation. Indeed, the relevance of an appropriate business model inducing disruptive dynamics was highlighted and led to a revised understanding of the phenomenon.

Alexander also presented and discussed recent industry examples to underline the practical relevance of the phenomenon of disruptive innovation.

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