5 October 2020 | Amsterdam

Today the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy, together with all rights, privileges and responsibilities thereto appertaining" was awarded to Neele Petzold, Team Member of the S2BMRC.

In 2017, Neele Petzold received the Award of Excellence for the best Master Thesis of Münster School of Business. Consequently, she started her PhD - after experiencing the business world in the marketing department of a large corporation. However she left it to come back to Münster to (re)join the S2B Marketing Research Centre for new challenges, based on her strong dedication to research without restrictions.

Due to her passion and her outstanding performance in 2019 Dr. Petzold was invited by Professor Shaz Ansari to Cambridge University, researching and working in the Team of Shaz for several weeks. The research group of Cambridge around Professor Ansari is dedicated to Disruptive Innovation.

The title of her PhD Thesis: Disruptive Innovation from a Process View: Studying the Emergence, Development, and Growth over Time 

The defense due to Covid19 was executed via online zoom platform and streamed on youtube channel to the public.

Supervisors in the PhD have been

  • Prof. Dr. Peter van der Sijde, Vrjie Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Prof. Dr. Bert Kiel, FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Baaken, FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences, Germany

The reading committee and panel of opponents

  • Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, GER
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Leker, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, GER
  • Prof. Dr. em. Israel Drori, Vrjie Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Berends, Vrjie Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
  • Prof. Dr. Bart Bossink, Vrjie Universiteit Amsterdam, NL

Neele has chosen her just recently married Freddy Petzold and Alexander Schmidt from the S2B Team as Para nymphs for the defense.

Dr. Neele Petzold was awarded the academic title in a cooperative PhD procedure of the faculty of SBI (Science Business & Innovation) at VU and MSB (Münster School of Business), FH Münster.

Congratulations Dr. Petzold for your excellent achievement!

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