Michael Kortenbrede M.A.
1 March 2021 | Münster
Michael Kortenbrede has graduated a Dual Course of Studies in completion of the degree of "Bachelor of Arts in Business" at FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences, in combination and cooperation with practical training and apprenticeship at AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG.
For achieving a "Master in Communication-, Multichannel- and Business Management" (M.A.), he attended the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf. In his Master thesis he conducted research on Social Franchise Systems using personal experience gained while starting his first Social Enterprise bayti hier in 2016 during his studies (www.bayti-hier.de). In 2019 he founded his second Social Enterprise, the cultural hub called Trafostation Münster (www.trafo-ms.de). After experiencing the founding of two Social Enterprises, his focus will turn to improving economic parameters and frameworks for Social Entrepreneurship both in a national and international setting.
Consequently, his PhD work will be located in the field of Social Entrepreneurship.
Annika Wesbuer M.Sc.
1 March 2021 | Münster
No other institute may dare to take this step - to hire a physics engineer B.Sc. and materials scientist M.Sc. with economic knowledge from her industrial engineering studies into a business research field. But this is exactly the philosophy of our Research Centre. To act differently than expected. Create innovative moves promising challenges and progress. This approach of diversity is already guaranteed by our set of Team Members and Managers. Thus Annika's personality and knowledge are perfectly complementing other competencies of the Team. As of now, she is joining the research line "S2S Science to Society" under the leadership of Jun.-Professor Dr. Kerstin Kurzhals.