
14 October 2021 | Amsterdam

The S2BMRC is proud to announce: Eva Sormani received the official and formal "University Teaching Qualification (UTQ)" from VU Amsterdam.

Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Baaken, Eva Sormani M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Peter van der Sijde and Prof. Bas van der Klaauw, PhD

The UTQ focuses on three central skills: teaching practice, supervising students and course design:

Teaching practice
Expand the teaching repertoire and develop an individual teaching style. Directly application of own teaching and generate rapid results. In class, discuss any issues encountering as a lecturer in applying teaching achievements.
Supervising students
Adaption of the approach to suit students' learning preferences and provide constructive feedback. Combine the roles of supervisor and assessor. Practice and analyse supervision of individual students and groups of students.
Course design
Design own courses, or redesign an existing one to teach immediately. Accounting for decisions and certain choices. Principles to apply in teaching. Conduct valid and reliable assessments.

Some select examples out of 28 criteria to assess lecturer performance:

  • The lecturer can indicate how the teaching session relates top previously acquired knowledge and how the session connects to earlier and later teaching sessions.
  • The lecturer can clearly explain and/or provide instruction to the students.
  • The lecturer can encourage in-depth learning; setting up the teaching sessions in such a way that students process the subject matter, so that what they have learned can sink in.
  • The lecturer can respond flexibly to unexpected situations
  • The lecturer can select reliable assessment methods.
  • The lecturer can render assessment processes transparent for students

Eva Sormani achieved best marks in every of the 28 assessments - congratulations! The study programme started in spring 2020 (study load >150 hours including 13 four hour sessions) and was final completed by receiving the certificate in a formal and honorable ceremony.

The qualification will contribute to the professional development in teaching and course development in S2BMRC and Münster School of Business.

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