
1 March 2022 | Münster

The new ERASMUS+ project Co-Creation Aid Kit 4.0 (CoCreAid) led by the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre (S2BMRC) which is part of the FH Münster University of Applied Sciences had its official kick-off meeting on March 1st and 2nd. In the digital two-days workshop the delegates of the involved partner institutions, the Szczeninski University (Poland), the EGE University (Turkey), Merdidaunia Scarl (Italy), and the European E-learning Institute (Denmark) were officially introduced to the project. The S2BMRC were represented by Junior Professor Dr. Kerstin Kurzhals, Katrin Uude (PhD candidate) and Carina Hafertepe (project assistant).

After a short presentation of all involved partner organizations, the four project stages with the expected project results were discussed and open questions regarding the different work packages could be adressed. In a very insightful and produtive impact workshop, the project team, afterwards, collected several outcomes the project will generate for the different stakeholders and was thereby able to create a clear impact statement for the project. The second meeting day covered organisational matters related to the project management as well as the quality and evaluation strategy. Finally, a risk management workshop was held to assess possible risks related to the different project stages and to establish a suitable risk mitigation strategy.

Thanks to the good collaboration of all project representatives the kick-off meeting was highly efficient and productive. The team of the S2BMRC will now continue to work on the first project phase which includes a desk research as well as qualitative research in the form of in-depth interviews with representatives of the target group. The results will be presented in the next transnational project meeting hosted by the European E-Learning Institute (Denmark) in September.


About the project

Due to the prevalent pandemic situation, partnerships and projects between High Educational Institutions (HEI), NGOs and the society had to be carried out digitally which adversely impacts the quality of the collaborations. The CoCreAid project aims to implement a digital Aid Kit which enables co-creation initiatives to collaborate digitally by providing them with suitable tools and methodologies in an easy-to-use graphical user interface. Based on an extensive research phase, the digital CoCreAid Kit will be developed and validated in a pilot test. The final Aid Kit will enhance the quality of digital co-creation projects and will enable often underrepresented partners in rural regions to be more involved in cooperations. Thereby, the projects remains highly relevant even beyond the pandemic situation and will benefit especially rural areas.

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