2 March 2022 | Münster

The new Erasmus+ project "Digital Citizen Science: Network, transfOrm, groW" (for short "Citizen Science NOW") has recently kicked off at an online event organized by the project management team at the Science to Business Marketing Research Center (S2BMRC) of FH Münster University of Applied Sciences. During the next two years, five major partners from Germany (MUAS & ACEEU), Denmark (BESPOKE), the Netherlands (University of Twente), and Spain (University of Barcelona) will investigate how to establish and strengthen local sustainable Citizen Science networks, and equip citizens with essential competencies needed for their effective participation in Citizen Science.  

Within a 22-month timeframe, the project Citizen Science NOW aims to create two major project results. As first step, the project will assess the training needs of local citizens, also with input from academics and local societal stakeholders, i.e. representatives of citizen associations, NGOs, libraries, and adult education centers, who are engaged with citizens in various scientific initiatives. Led by Bespoke, the consortium in this work package will elaborate a future foresight report on the potential futures of participation in Citizen Science. Building upon the findings, the consortium will later work on developing low-threshold digital training modules for citizens, to be piloted in the project partner regions from the end of 2023. Finally, the project will be concluded by several multiplier events to ensure wider dissemination and validation of results.

"We are very excited for finally having kicked off our project. Together with our four European partners, we aim to uncover the participation needs of diverse groups of citizens, and collaboratively create motivating digital capacity building opportunities". says Hacer Tercanli, the project leader of Citizen Science NOW. The project results will be published on the project website, which is currently in the making."

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