10 September 2019 | Cambridge

From the 1 of September until the 25 of October 2019, Neele Petzold is visiting the University of Cambridge as an official PhD visitor to collaborate with Prof. Shaz Ansari at the Judge Business School.

The two collaborate on the topic of sensemaking in disruptive innovation, exploring how incumbents interpret and act on disruptive changes within their environment. In May 2019, Prof. Ansari and Neele Petzold began discussions on other papers and eventually, Neele Petzold was invited to Cambridge. The visit to the Judge Business School is very helpful in Neele's PhD project and she is benefitting greatly from insights from Prof. Ansari, other faculty members, and fellow PhD candidates. The discussions and comments have already helped her greatly in critically reflecting and concentrating on relevant aspects of her work.

Prof. Ansari is Professor of Strategy & Innovation at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge and Visiting Faculty at RSM, Erasmus University. He serves on Editorial Boards of AMJ, AMR, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies and Organization Studies. His research interests include institutional processes, temporality, diffusion; social movements, social and environmental issues, innovation, business ecosystems, and status and reputation.

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