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21 February 2024 | Münster

To kick-start our new Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership Project "Ethical and Responsible Transportation and Handling" (EARTH), Matías Eduardo Escanilla Becerra and Judith Helmer from the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre (S2BMRC) joined the recent Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Szczecin, Poland. The meeting was hosted by the Institute of Management of the Szczecin University from February 14th to 15th. Its purpose was to establish a basis for effective collaboration and impact-driven teamwork within the EARTH Project. This 2-year project aims to cultivate the next generation of responsible and sustainable change agents with a focus on the logistics sector.

As a follow-up project from our recently concluded Strategic Alliances Project "Innovating Digitally", EARTH continues the efforts to expand sustainable innovation teaching in logistics to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st-century logistics industry. As such, the consortium is composed of international partners from higher education institutions, research centres, and business partners in the logistics sector. Namely, the project is led by Szczecin University (Poland). The partners include EGE University (Türkiye), Stowarzyszenie Wspieranie Techniki Polskiej (Poland), European E-Learning Institute (Denmark), European Logistics Association (Belgium), Momentum Marketing Services (Ireland), and FH Münster University of Applied Sciences (Germany).

Through the implementation of the project, EARTH aims to provide logistics companies and higher education institutions with the necessary tools and resources to take meaningful action towards sustainability, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and resilient European economy. This will be achieved through the development of Open Educational Resources (OERs), benchmarking tools and methodologies that promote the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into innovation management practices in the logistics sector.

Finally, we would like to thank the team at the University of Szczecin, especially Katarzyna Łobacz and Magdalena Malinowksa, for organising a successful and engaging TPM. We would also like to thank all the project partners for their joint efforts and contributions during the meeting outlining a strong commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change by focusing on the promotion of sustainable logistics and innovation practices in the logistics sector.

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