5 August 2019 | Münster
The Business Unusual Forum 2019 brings HR executives, entrepreneurs, promoters and multipliers together as a highly interactive and entertaining exchange platform. It invites discussion and inspiration about Culture Change, HR Management, and HR Controlling in the digital age. It offers a meeting place with people who think differently, who have found good answers to the burning questions of human resource managers and the ability to reflect innovative HR solutions with experts, thought leaders and like-minded people. The mix of handpicked science speakers, our PLAY series and experienced practitioners from Continental, Deutsche Bank, Shopware, Persis and others, make the big picture of digital change tangible for HR.
The interactive workshop of the PhD student Neele Petzold and her fellow PhD student Alexander Schmidt, who want to develop new ideas and disruptive business models together with our participants, promises creative fun. Be part of the workshop and experience the experts of Design Thinking live at the Business Unusual Forum 2019 on 28 October 2019!